



Optimizing Collaborative Synergy, Collective Impact, and Cross-sector Collaboration

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Goal 17

Optimizing Collaborative Synergy, Collective Impact, and Cross-sector Collaboration

Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) "Partnerships for The Goals" program, the Universitas Sumatera Utara organizes various activities such as conferences, workshops, and cross-sectoral forum meetings. This is an opportunity for students and the general public to share knowledge, discuss and build networks with other stakeholders who share the same commitment to SDGs in Indonesia. Along with providing support for the development of projects and programs that focus on key aspects of the SDGs, such as poverty alleviation, quality education, gender equality, access to clean water, and environmental protection. Together, USU and the people of Indonesia can create initiatives that have a positive impact on society and the environment in Indonesia.

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Research and Publication

Challenges and opportunities for achieving Sustainable Development Goals through restoration of Indonesia’s mangroves

Sasmito S.D., Basyuni M., Kridalaksana A., Saragi-Sasmito M.F., Lovelock C.E., Murdiyarso D.

Collaborative Management in Value Creation: Cases of SMEs

Rafiki A., Nasution F.N., Syahrial H.

Determinants of carbon emission disclosure and sustainability reporting and their implications for investors’ reactions: The case of Indonesia and Malaysia

Afrizal, Safelia N., Muda I.

Msmes In Medan City During the New Normal

Absah Y., Sadalia I., Yuliaty T., Ilham R.N.


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