About Scholarships on USU Campus
A university scholarship is a financial aid program provided by universities to assist students in completing their studies. Scholarships can be awarded based on academic criteria, financial need, or achievements outside the classroom.
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Bantuan Riset bagi Talenta Riset dan Inovasi (BARISTA) 2024
The Bantuan Riset bagi Talenta Riset dan Inovasi (English: Research Assistance Program for Research and Innovation Talents), abbreviated as BARISTA, is the provision of assistance in the form of tuition fees and research assistance funds to active students at the final level of Diploma 4 as well as Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees to complete the thesis/dissertation based on research collaboration in the work unit within BRIN.
LPS Utama Pendidikan Scholarship
The application for the LPS Utama Pendidikan Scholarship has begun! The registration period starts from October 31 – November 22, 2023. Check the terms, conditions, and document requirements for registration in the post!
Bakti BCA Scholarship
Halo #SobatUSU! Registration for the 2024 BCA Bakti Scholarship has opened! The registration period starts from October 10-23, 2023. Check the criteria and registration requirements at the following link: bca.id/beasiswabaktibca Good Luck! Salam Prestasi ✨
BSI Scholarship Inspirasi 2023
BSI Scholarship is a scholarship program initiated by BSI Maslahat and Bank Syariah Indonesia. The target of this program is specifically for undergraduate students (S1) in the 3rd & 5th semesters or 2nd & 3rd-year students. This program will last for 2 years or 4 semesters.
BRIGHT Scholarship 2023
The Bright Scholarship is a scholarship program intended for undergraduate students (S1) at selected state universities (PTN), providing financial assistance for tuition fees and monthly stipends. Awardees also receive comprehensive and structured mentoring to shape future leaders with strong character, competitiveness, and the application of Islamic values in their lives.