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About USU

Short Profile

Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) is one of the best state universities in Indonesia, located in Medan, North Sumatra. Established in 1952 under the name of Yayasan Universitas Sumatera Utara, USU has grown into a leading university that offers various quality study programs. President Soekarno inaugurated USU as the 7th state university in Indonesia in 1957. In 2003, USU elevated its status to become a Legal-Entity State Higher Education Institution (PTN-BH) and became the 5th PTN-BH in Indonesia. With various advantages, such as modern facilities and expert teaching staff, it has become one of the best universities in Indonesia.


Academic Cooperations

Partnerships at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) are dynamic collaborations with international universities, promoting student and faculty exchange, joint research projects, and knowledge sharing. These initiatives enhance the academic environment, foster cultural experiences, and prepare students for the global world.

Business and Entrepreneurship Cooperations

Business and entrepreneurship cooperations at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) are collaborations that strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem and facilitate knowledge transfer between academia and industry. USU encourages the development of startups, business incubation, and training for students and local entrepreneurs, as well as fosters innovation, job creation, and economic growth in North Sumatra.

International Cooperations

Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) actively engages in international cooperation through student and faculty exchange programs, joint research initiatives, and knowledge-sharing programs with the aim of enriching the academic environment, promoting cross-cultural experiences, and equipping students with the global skills and perspectives necessary for success in an interconnected world.


Official written information and guidelines can be accessed on the following page.

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Campus Facilities

USU provides various facilities that can be used, especially by students and the academic community, to support learning activities and as a means to support various non-academic activities.

USU provides various facilities that can be used, especially by students and the academic community, to support learning activities and as a means to support various non-academic activities.

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Medan City Tourism

Rumah Tjong A Fie

Rumah Tjong A Fie

Rumah Tjong A Fie is a historic building located in the city of Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The building was constructed in 1895 by a Chinese entrepreneur named Tjong A Fie, who was a prominent figure in the history of Medan. The building features a Chinese-European architectural style and is one of the well-preserved examples of colonial architecture in Indonesia. Rumah Tjong A Fie covers an area of approximately 8,000 square meters with two floors and 35 rooms.

Istana Maimun

Istana Maimun

Istana Maimun is a grand palace located in Medan, Indonesia, known for its stunning architecture and rich history. The palace was built in the 19th century during the reign of the Sultanate of Deli and is a remarkable example of Malay architecture with a blend of Indian, Spanish, and Italian styles. Istana Maimun is now a popular tourist destination, showcasing the grandeur of the Sultanate era through its impressive interior decoration and displays of royal artifacts.

Lake Toba

Lake Toba

Lake Toba is a volcanic lake located in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia. The lake is the largest lake in Indonesia and also one of the largest volcanic lakes in the world. Because of its natural beauty, Lake Toba is a popular tourist destination in Indonesia. Lake Toba was formed by the eruption of an ancient volcano around 75,000 years ago, and there is still a volcanic island in the middle of the lake called Samosir Island. Lake Toba covers an area of approximately 1,145 square kilometers and reaches a depth of up to 450 meters.

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