Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Accredited with Excellence

BAN-PT 105/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/PT/II/2023

Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) is one of the best public universities in Indonesia located in Medan, North Sumatra. Originally established in 1952 under the name Yayasan Universitet Sumatera Utara, USU has developed into a top university offering a variety of quality study programs. President Soekarno inaugurated USU as the 7th state university in Indonesia in 1957. In 2003, USU upgraded its status to a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH) and became the 5th PTN-BH university in Indonesia. Its various advantages, such as modern facilities and expert teaching staff, make it one of the best universities in Indonesia.






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Diploma Program


Bachelor Degree


Postgraduate Program


Professional Study and Specialist Program


Associate Professors



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History USU 1951


At the end of the year, precisely on December 31, 1951, a monumental step was taken with the formation of a preparatory committee for the establishment of a higher education institution. This committee was led by Soemarsono, with members consisting of prominent figures such as Dr. Ahmad Sofian, Ir. Danunagoro, and as the secretary, Mr. Djaidin Purba. The beginning of the establishment of USU was marked by the formation of several organizational entities, including the Foundation Leadership Council, Council of Curators, University President, President’s Assembly, Assessors, University Senate, and Faculty Councils.

History USU 1952


This year became a historic milestone by being the first day of lectures at Universitas Sumatera Utara. This year, the Faculty of Medicine commenced its lecture activities, and this proud moment started with a total of 27 registered students. Of this number, 25 were male, while 2 were female. They are great young individuals who were brave to take steps into the world of medicine. Not only that, USU also launched new study programs, namely the Undergraduate and Master's in Agrotechnology. Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) was initially established as Yayasan Universitet Sumatera Utara on June 4, 1952. This foundation was founded by Abdul Hakim Harahap, who was the Governor of North Sumatra then. In its second year, the USU campus relocated from Seram Street. This large area of land in the Padang Bulan area then became USU's territory, which continues to be used today. It was during this time that FH USU began the construction of its own building as the center for lecture activities. At that time, the Rector of USU, Prof. Ahmad Sofian, conveyed in his speech:

History USU 1954


The Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge was established with a total of 64 students, 5 of whom were women. However, at that time, the lectures for law students were still held in a building owned by the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Agriculture. FH USU did not have its own building yet. It was only eight years later that FH USU built its own building and used it to celebrate the 8th anniversary of USU. Even after the progress that occurred, the buildings that the Faculty of Law initially used could be handed over to the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Agriculture for the construction of several laboratories for these two faculties.

History USU 1955


On September 1, 1955, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Law were upgraded to state universities. USU was handed over as a state campus. Then, also this year, Prof. Mr. Ani Abbas Manoppo received an assignment abroad. Because of this, the position of Dean was transferred to Prof. Mr. Mahadi.

The Faculty of Medicine as well as the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge, which were under Yayasan Universitet Sumatera Utara, were handed over on July 9, 1955, to the government, with a Decree of the Minister of Education, Teaching, and Culture, hereinafter referred to as the Minister, dated. July 14, 1955 No. 42665/Kab. As of September 1, 1955, the two universities became state faculties.

History USU 1956


The establishment of the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science.

History USU 1957


(Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sofian): This year began with the establishment of the Undergraduate and Master's Programs in Agribusiness. Then, November 20, 1957, was an important day as USU was inaugurated by Soekarno as the 7th state university in Indonesia. The inauguration date was subsequently designated as USU's anniversary, celebrated yearly until 2001. However, regardless of the inauguration date, the university senate eventually decided to reconsider the founding date of USU and established it as August 20, 1952, which is precisely the day when the first lecture began.

On August 19, 1957, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science (FKIP), which evolved from the Teacher Education Higher Education, was handed over to the government, effective from September 1, 1957, by Yayasan Universitet Sumatera Utara, with a ministerial decree dated August 22, 1957, No. 85254/S.

In that same year, a strong factor behind the establishment of USU was to maximize the potential of its precursor institutions, such as the Faculty of Medicine (FK) and the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge (now known as FH USU), which had already been established but did not yet have their main university. Therefore, the government and the community desired to immediately inaugurate Universitas Sumatera Utara, starting with three faculties (the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science).

Before the position of University President existed, the day-to-day responsibilities of the University President were carried out by the Preparatory Committee of Universitas Sumatera Utara, comprised of several members appointed by the Minister through a decree dated March 29, 1957, No. 34175/S. At that time, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sofian served as the Presidium of USU.

History USU 1958


(Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sofian → dr. Zainal Abidin Sutan Kumala Pontas): At the beginning of the leadership transition, in the first year of dr. Zainal Abidin Sutan Kumala Pontas's tenure, there were several developments, such as the establishment of the Undergraduate Program in Civil Engineering and the handover of the Faculty of Agriculture to the government of the Republic of Indonesia, which officially became the State University Faculty of Agriculture on August 25, 1958, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education, Teaching, and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 8691S.

History USU 1959


(dr. Zainal Abidin Sutan Kumala Pontas): This year, the Faculty of Engineering in Medan and the Faculty of Economics in Kutaradja, Banda Aceh, were inaugurated by Soekarno. Despite Yayasan Universitet Sumatera Utara being located in Medan City, they continued to use the name under the banner of Universitas Sumatera Utara. Technically, operations were in Kutaraja, but the administrative center remained in Medan City, led by the President of USU at that time, dr. Zainal Abidin Sutan Kumala Pontas.

History USU 1960


(dr. Zainal Abidin Sutan Kumala Pontas): In the third year of dr. Zainal Abidin Sutan Kumala Pontas’s tenure, USU once again gave birth to new faculties and departments with the establishment of the Department of Accounting and the Faculty of Dentistry, with the Undergraduate Program in Dentistry as its first study program.

History USU 1961


(Brigadier General of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Ret.) Ulung Sitepu): This year, the position of the presidium was transferred to Brigadier General of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Ret.) Ulung Sitepu. This was also accompanied by the establishment of the Undergraduate Program in Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering.

History USU 1964


(Brigadier General of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Ret.) Ulung Sitepu → Dr. drg. Muhammad Nazir Alwi): During the USU leadership transition period from Brigadier General of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Ret.) Ulung Sitepu to Dr. drg. Muhammad Nazir Alwi, USU developed more with the establishment of the Industrial Engineering and Electrical Engineering Study Programs, the Orthodontics Specialist Program, the Faculty of Cultural Science, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), formerly known as the Faculty of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences or FIPIA USU). FIPIA/FMIPA was born starting with three departments, namely the Mathematics Department, Physics Department, and Chemistry Department. With the addition of each department at USU, USU’s name became increasingly recognized in Indonesia. However, at the inception of the Faculty of Literature (formerly the Faculty of Cultural Science), they conducted their lecture activities by using the USU Faculty of Law’s building and initially had only one department, which was Indonesian Language and Literature, with a total of 45 students.

History USU 1965


(Dr. drg. Muhammad Nazir Alwi → Prof. Dr. S. Hadibroto, M.A.): This year, the Faculty of Cultural Science opened a new program, which was English Literature. Also, this year, the Faculty of Literature moved from the USU Faculty of Law’s building and acquired its own building located in the front area of the USU Dharma Wanita Kindergarten, even though it was still quite small at that time.

History USU 1966


(Dr. S. Harnopidjati): This year, the Faculty of Literature (Faculty of Cultural Science) progressed by obtaining an additional building, the former Public Works Building, on Prof. Muhammad Yusuf Street. This building was quite small and did not meet the operational requirements, consisting of only two classrooms and two administrative rooms. Eventually, the Faculty of Literature (Faculty of Cultural Science) moved again to the Pancasila Building, also known as Pendopo USU, which had sufficient space to meet its needs.

History USU 1967


(Dr. S. Harnopidjati): Not stopping from previous years, this year, the Faculty of Cultural Science once again opened a new program, which was the Undergraduate Program in Historical Science. However, this department did not immediately commence its activities due to a lack of students. This year, the USU leadership also changed, with Dr. S. Harnopidjati assuming the role of Rector.

History USU 1968


(Dr. S. Harnopidjati): This year, the Undergraduate Program in Pharmacy was established, at which time the Pharmacy Department was still part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), becoming the fourth department after the three previous departments (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry).

History USU 1969


(Dr. S. Harnopidjati → Harry Suwondo, S.H.): This year bears witness to a significant historical event, the placement of the first stone in the main building of Universitas Sumatera Utara by the Governor Head of Level I Region of North Sumatra, Geram Halim Harahap, on January 15, 1970, and it was approved by President Soeharto on December 28, 1970. Also this year, the Department of Historical Science began actively admitting new students since its establishment in 1968.

History USU 1970


(Harry Suwondo, S.H.): The early period of Harry Suwondo, S.H. as the new rector of USU was welcomed by the establishment of the Master of Kenotariatan Program in 1971.

History USU 1971


(Harry Suwondo, S.H.): This year, once again, the Faculty of Literature (Faculty of Cultural Science) made significant progress by acquiring three permanent buildings, two of which have been renovated into classrooms and one into a seminar room.

History USU 1972


(Harry Suwondo, S.H.): This year, the Faculty of Medicine successfully gave birth to their new department, the Specialist-1 Program in Clinical Pathology.

History USU 1976


(Harry Suwondo, S.H.): This year, the Faculty of Medicine successfully gave birth to their new department, the Specialist-1 Program in Clinical Pathology.

History USU 1979


(Prof. Dr. A. P. Parlindungan, S.H.): With the change in position of the USU Rector to Prof. Dr. A. P. Parlindungan, S.H., Universitas Sumatera Utara expanded its educational topics with the birth of the Undergraduate Programs in Chemical Engineering, Batak Literature, Malay Literature, and Ethnomusicology. The Undergraduate Program in Ethnomusicology was the only one of its kind in Indonesia for the next decade.

History USU 1980


(Prof. Dr. A. P. Parlindungan, S.H.): In the second year of Prof. Dr. A. P. Parlindungan, S.H.'s tenure, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) continued to grow rapidly with the establishment of many new departments, such as the Specialist-1 Program in Surgery, Dermatology and Venereology, Neurology, Psychiatry, as well as the Undergraduate Programs in Arabic Literature, Anthropology, and Library Science. Also this year, before the establishment of the Faculty of Social Science and Political Science (FISIP), its precursor was already in existence, namely the Department of Public Knowledge. At that time, the Department of Public Knowledge was still part of the Faculty of Law. Also, this year, they first admitted students through the SIPENMARU exam, with a total of 75 students. The increasing number of students in the USU Faculty of Law led to more buildings becoming full. Due to the building limitations, they conducted lectures by borrowing the Faculty of Dentistry’s building at that time.

History USU 1981


(Prof. Dr. A. P. Parlindungan, S.H.): This year, the Faculty of Medicine once again established a new specialist program, the Specialist-1 Program in Anatomical Pathology. On the other hand, the Master’s Program in Animal Husbandry Science was officially established within the Faculty of Agriculture as a further study after the USU Undergraduate Program in Animal Husbandry Science that had been established earlier.

History USU 1982


(Prof. Dr. A. P. Parlindungan, S.H.): The USU Faculty of Medicine developed more with the establishment of the Specialist-1 Program in Forensic Medicine. Also, this year, the USU Faculty of Social Science and Political Science was established with the issuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 1982, dated September 7, 1982. This made FISIP the 9th faculty at USU. As a result, all students enrolled in the Department of Public Knowledge became students of FISIP USU and were no longer affiliated with the Faculty of Law.

History USU 1983


(Prof. Dr. A. P. Parlindungan, S.H.): This year, FISIP became more developed following its establishment as a faculty. This was evident with the creation of the Undergraduate Program in Sociology and the Undergraduate Program in Communication Science.

Also, this year, the name of the Industrial Engineering Study Program was briefly changed to the Industrial Engineering and Management Study Program. This was in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 017401983, dated March 14, 1983, and No. 053501983, dated December 8, 1983.

Furthermore, the Library Science Department was closed, and in its place, the Diploma (D-3) Program in Library was established.

In mid-1983, the Consortium Health Sciences team met with the Rector of USU, and they reached an agreement to establish a Faculty of Public Health at Universitas Sumatera Utara. This decision was influenced by the observation that the teaching staff at the USU campus was sufficiently competent. The idea was also based on the limited availability of the Faculty of Public Health in Indonesia at that time, which was only available at Universitas Indonesia and Unhas Ujung Pandang.

History USU 1985


(Prof. Dr. A. P. Parlindungan, S.H.): After the Faculty of Public Health was established in 1983, the Undergraduate Program in Public Health program began admitting students this year, starting with 18 students. Also this year, the Faculty of Agriculture established the Master's Program in Natural Resources and Environmental Management.

History USU 1986


(Prof. Dr. A. P. Parlindungan, S.H. → Prof. M. Jusuf Hanafiah): This year marked a transition in the position of the USU Rector, previously led by Prof. Dr. A. P. Parlindungan, S.H., and now continued by Prof. M. Jusuf Hanafiah. Additionally, this year, the Undergraduate Program in Social Welfare Science and the Undergraduate Program in Social Anthropology were established.

History USU 1987


(Prof. M. Jusuf Hanafiah): In the second year of Prof. M. Jusuf Hanafiah’s tenure, the Master's Program in Law Studies was established at the Faculty of Law.

History USU 1988


(Prof. M. Jusuf Hanafiah): This year, FMIPA added a new field of study with the establishment of the Undergraduate Program in Biology. Another significant event in 1988 was the transition of the Undergraduate Program in Public Health, which had previously used the building facilities of the USU Faculty of Medicine for its lectures. Since this year, the entire study program has moved to its own new building with an area of 2,400 m2.

History USU 1990


The increase in the number of students in the Faculty of Literature (Faculty of Cultural Science) required them to expand and increase the facilities in the form of classrooms. Fortunately, they received additional buildings this year, namely the former BAAK Building and the former USU Library Building.

History USU 1991


(Prof. M. Jusuf Hanafiah): The Faculty of Engineering successfully introduced a new study program, namely the Undergraduate Program in Architecture, and, also this year, USU established the Faculty of Nursing.

History USU 1992


(Prof. M. Jusuf Hanafiah): Universitas Sumatera Utara established a separate faculty for several master's programs at USU, which were integrated into one management within the Postgraduate School. The Postgraduate School started the year 1992 by establishing the Master's Program in Regional and Rural Development Planning.

History USU 1993


(Prof. M. Jusuf Hanafiah): Following the establishment of the Master's Program in Regional and Rural Development Planning the previous year, its further study, the Doctoral Program in Regional Planning, is also established. Also this year, the Faculty of Public Health was officially inaugurated as the 10th faculty at Universitas Sumatera Utara.

History USU 1994


(Prof. M. Jusuf Hanafiah → Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): This year, the inauguration of the Faculty of Public Health was carried out by the Minister of Education and Culture on January 25, 1994.

History USU 1995


(Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): After undergoing a name change in 1983, the Industrial Engineering and Management Study Program has now reverted to being the Industrial Engineering Study Program, a name it has retained to this day.

History USU 1996


(Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): In the second year of Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).'s tenure, the Faculty of Medicine successfully established a new program, the Doctoral Program in Medical Science. Also this year, the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) acquired a new three-floor building with a total area of 2,400 m2, making the total building area of FKM USU 4,800 m2.

History USU 1997


(Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): This year, the Faculty of Cultural Science established a new program, the Master's Program in Linguistics.

History USU 1999


(Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): In the fourth year of Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).'s tenure, Universitas Sumatera Utara developed more with the establishment of the Undergraduate Program in Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, the Undergraduate Program in Psychology, and the Undergraduate Program in Forestry.

History USU 2000


(Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): The early 2000 started with the establishment of further studies for several undergraduate programs, including the Master's Program in Chemical Engineering and the Master's Program in Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering as well as the Master's Program in Pharmaceutical Science at the Faculty of Pharmacy.

History USU 2001


(Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): This year, the Faculty of Engineering established the Master's Program in Civil Engineering, and the Faculty of Cultural Science also established the Undergraduate Program in Library and Information Science.

After previously having only the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics, FMIPA has now established the Master's Program in Mathematics.

Also, this year, the Faculty of Social Science and Political Science established the Undergraduate Program in Political Science as a new study program.

And towards the end of the year, specifically on November 22, 2001, the Department of Computer Science was established, which at that time was still part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

History USU 2002


(Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): In 2002, the Faculty of Engineering established further studies for several of its undergraduate programs, namely the Master's Program in Architecture and the Master's Program in Industrial Engineering. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences also established the Master's Program in Physics.

Also this year, upon the recommendation of the university's senate members for a reconsideration of USU's founding day, the Department of National Education approved 2002 to be commemorated as the 50th Dies Natalis (anniversary) of USU.

History USU 2003


(Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): This year, the Faculty of Agriculture officially established its highest-level study program, the Doctoral Program in Agricultural Science.

Also this year, the Faculty of Literature (Faculty of Cultural Science) received an additional building, the former USU Press Building, which was subsequently renovated to serve as the office for the Diploma (D-3) Program in Tourism and the Japanese Language Department.

History USU 2006


(Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): This year, the Faculty of Psychology established a further study program after the Undergraduate Program in Psychology, namely the Master's Program in Professional Psychology.

History USU 2007


(Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): This year, the Faculty of Engineering established another further study program for undergraduate students, namely the Master's Program in Electrical Engineering.

After a long journey, the Faculty of Cultural Science continues to produce new study innovations. This time, FIB established the Undergraduate Program in Mandarin Language.

In the same year, the precursor of the Information Technology Department was also established, which was initially named Software Engineering, through the DIKTI Decree No. 1629/D/T/.

History USU 2008


(Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): After continuous development for the Faculty of Medicine, they have now established the Specialist-1 Program in Neurosurgery.

Also, this year, the USU Teaching Hospital was constructed on the campus premises.

History USU 2009


(Prof. dr. H. Chairuddin Panusunan Lubis, D.T.M.&H., Sp.A.(K).): This year, the Master's Program in Arts Creation and Studies was established, starting with 18 students.

Also, this year, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) established the Doctoral Program in Mathematical Science.

History USU 2011


(Prof. Dr. dr. H. Syahril Pasaribu, D.T.M.&H., M.Sc(CTM)., Sp.A.(K).): This year, several further study programs were established, including the Master's Program in Sociology, the Master's Program in Nursing, and the Master's Program in Psychological Science.

Also, this year, the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology finally stood on its own as a single faculty, consisting of the Computer Science and Information Technology Departments at the undergraduate level.

History USU 2012


(Prof. Dr. dr. H. Syahril Pasaribu, D.T.M.&H., M.Sc(CTM)., Sp.A.(K).): In this year, the Faculty of Cultural Science once again added more further study programs. This time, the Master's Program in Historical Science was established as a further study after the Undergraduate Program in Historical Science. Additionally, the Doctoral Program in Development Studies was also founded during the same year.

History USU 2013


(Prof. Dr. dr. H. Syahril Pasaribu, D.T.M.&H., M.Sc(CTM)., Sp.A.(K).): (No info yet)

History USU 2014


(Prof. Dr. dr. H. Syahril Pasaribu, D.T.M.&H., M.Sc(CTM)., Sp.A.(K).): In this year, USU's status changed from State-Owned Legal Entity State University (PTN-BHMN) to a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH) with the enactment of the Statute of USU through Government Regulation No. 16 of 2014.

History USU 2022


(Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si.): The establishment of the Faculty of Vocational Education with the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara Number 1491/UN5.1R/SK/SPB/2022 on the Establishment of the Faculty of Vocational Education at Universitas Sumatera Utara.

Up to the present day, USU manages more than a hundred study programs across various levels of higher education under 15 faculties and one postgraduate school. In its development, some faculties of USU have transformed into their own state universities, including Universitas Syiah Kuala in Banda Aceh (from the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry), IKIP Negeri Medan, which has now changed into Universitas Negeri Medan (from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science), and Politeknik Negeri Medan (from Politeknik USU).

Wakil Rektor USU

Vice Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara

Rektor USU

Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si.

Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara

USU’s Vision

To become a university that has academic excellence as a barometer of scientific progress that is able to compete in the global world.


To conduct autonomy-based higher education that serves as a platform for the character and professionalism development of human resources, which is based on empowerment containing the spirit of democratization of education that acknowledges pluralism with an educational orientation that emphasizes the aspect of searching for alternative solutions to actual problems based on scientific, moral, and conscience studies;

To produce graduates who become agents of change as a force of modernization in the life of society at large, who have strong academic competence, relevance, and competitiveness, as well as who behave with ethical intellectualism; and

To implement, develop, and improve education, research culture, and community service activities in order to improve academic quality by developing superior science, which benefits the wider society in improving their way of life.


To produce quality graduates who are capable of developing science, technology, humanities, and arts based on religious morals, as well as be able to compete at national and international levels;

To produce innovative research that promotes the development of science, technology, humanities, and arts on a national and international scope;

To produce community service based on reasoning and research works that are innovatively beneficial in advancing the general welfare and intellectual life of the nation and community empowerment so that the society is able to solve problems independently and sustainably;

To improve the quality of learning management continuously to achieve excellence in national and international competition and cooperation;

To realize adaptive, creative, and proactive independence towards the demands of society and the challenges of development, both nationally and internationally;

To become a moral and intellectual force in building Indonesian civil society; and

To develop students’ potential to become faithful and devoted to God Almighty, possess noble morals, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, skillful, competent, and cultured for the nation’s benefit.

In an effort to realize the vision, mission and goals, the Universitas Sumatera Utara implements the main values of BINTANG as a guide for all academicians.

Devoted to Almighty God

In the frame of diversity, USU individuals are obedient to the Almighty God, always praying to Him for all efforts to achieve success, accompanied by a spirit of togetherness and tolerance among people of different religions.

Innovative and Has Integrity

USU individuals realize that to become a prestigious and reputable university as well as gain international recognition, innovation in various fields while still adhering to the principles of academic ethics and professionalism is necessary.

Resilient and Wise

USU individuals never give up and do not easily despair in pursuing their goals while maintaining a wise attitude.

Biro USU Colored

Integrated Service Unit

The Legal Documentation and Information Network of Universitas Sumatera Utara is an information system established by the Faculty of Law of Universitas Sumatera Utara to collect, store, and provide access to information and legal documents related to academic and research activities at the faculty.

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Kantor Pelayanan PPID

The Information Documentation and Management Officer (PPID) is the official responsible for storing, documenting, providing, and/or serving information at a public body.

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Biro USU Colored

Legal Documentation and Information Network

The Legal Documentation and Information Network of Universitas Sumatera Utara is an information system established by the Faculty of Law of Universitas Sumatera Utara to collect, store, and provide access to information and legal documents related to academic and research activities at the faculty.

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