
Lecturers & Staff

Lecturer and Staff in Numbers
388Associate Professors
633Assistant Professors
1245Civil Servant Lecturers
301Non-Civil Servant Lecturers
642Civil Servant Staff
1167Permanent Non-Civil Servant Staff

Merdeka Belajar Program - Kampus Merdeka

Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik

Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Universitas Sumatera Utara (KKNT-PPM USU) is a form of education that provides learning experiences for students to live in rural communities. This program aims to hone the soft skills and hard skills of partnership and leadership of USU students in managing development programs in rural areas of North Sumatra Province.

Wirausaha Merdeka

Wirausaha Merdeka is part of the Kampus Merdeka program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia that provides opportunities for students to gain learning experience through entrepreneurial activities. The Wirausaha Merdeka program collaborates with the Program Implementing Universities with the goal of providing skills for students to hone their entrepreneurial spirit, encourage increased entrepreneurial experience, and increase student employability.

Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka

Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka is an exchange program that provides students with the opportunity to study for one semester at a university in Indonesia to broaden students' understanding of diversity and the spirit of unity.

Magang Bersertifikat

Magang Bersertifikat is part of the Kampus Merdeka program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia that provides opportunities for students to gain practical work experience in industries and companies relevant to their field of study. The program is supported by partner companies and organizations as well as provides opportunities to earn certificates and academic credits. The goal is to equip students with skills and practical work experience as well as help partner companies and organizations obtain quality human resources.

Kampus Mengajar

Kampus Mengajar is a program that provides opportunities for students to engage in learning outside the classroom for a period of 1 (one) semester by becoming teacher partners to innovate in the development of creative and innovative teaching strategies and models at targeted educational units. The program focuses on enhancing students' literacy and numeracy skills in the selected schools.

Studi Independen Bersertifikat

Studi Independen Bersertifikat is part of the Kampus Merdeka program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia that provides opportunities for students to develop themselves by learning specific and practical competencies needed in the industrial and business world. This program provides support in the form of learning modules and mentoring under the guidance of relevant mentors in their fields. Learning in the form of short courses, boot camps, and massive open online courses (MOOC) helps students practice these competencies in a real project for future career paths. Students who have passed the evaluation will obtain certification and the opportunity to be recommended to companies or partners of Studi Independen providers.

Praktisi Mengajar

Praktisi Mengajar is part of the Kampus Merdeka program initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia in preparing higher education graduates to enter the world of work. Praktisi Mengajar provides a space for collaboration between lecturers and expert practitioners so an in-depth exchange of knowledge and expertise through course delivery, both offline and online, is established. Through this program, graduates are equipped with relevant knowledge and skills according to the needs and challenges in the world of work.


The Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) is a scholarship scheme from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia to provide opportunities for students through mobility programs at renowned universities abroad for one semester.

Career at USU

Official written information and guidelines can be accessed on the following page.

Visit USU's Career Pagelaunch

Lecturer Directory

Official written information and guidelines can be accessed on the following page.

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Conference of Universitas Sumatera Utara

International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2022

Universitas Sumatera Utara Publications

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