

Information center for Universitas Sumatera Utara New Student Admissions (PMB)


Available Study Programs

There are various options of study programs and education levels that you can choose from at Universitas Sumatera Utara. Get information on study programs, tuition fees, and curricula based on your choice of study program and degree type to find the best education program for you.

New Student Re-Registration

Start your educational journey by re-registering as a student of Universitas Sumatera Utara.

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Student Admission Pathway

National Achievement-Based Selection (SNBP) Student Program


About SNBP

SNBP (National Selection Based on Achievement) is a substitute for SNMPTN (National Selection for State Higher Education Institution Entrance), which is no longer held nationally by the Institute for Higher Education Institution Entrance Test (LTMPT) but its role is continued by the Technical Implementation Unit of the Center for Educational Testing Management (BP3). In the SNBP pathway, prospective students are emphasized to have holistic and cross-disciplinary competencies. In the 2023/2024 Academic Year, students who obtain an SMA/MA/SMK diploma and show high academic achievement are entitled to choose to continue their education at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) both in the undergraduate and diploma programs. The SNBP registration stages in 2023 are expected to be the same as in previous years, although the details are still subject to change in accordance with the SNBP committee policy. The registration stage begins with filling in the prospective students’ private data through the official SNBP website (https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id) and personal data according to the instructions provided. Make sure the data entered is correct and complete. After filling in the personal data, you will enter the education payment stage. Payments can be made through banks or online payment services that have been appointed by the SNBP committee. Follow the procedure that has been told carefully.

Currently, USU provides at least 20% of the total capacity of undergraduate and diploma programs through the SNBP pathway. The 2023 SNBP schedule starts from January 03-February-08 for the process of determining eligible/quota students, then on January 09-February-09 filling in PDSS (School and Student Database), then on February 14-28 is the SNBP registration period. The selection results will be announced on March 28, 2023.

Additional Terms

1. Students who have passed the 2024 SNBP, 2023 SNBP and 2022 National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN) cannot apply for the 2024 SNBT.
Students who are declared to have passed the SNBP 2024 selection process cannot register for the Independent selection process at any PTN.

Study Program Options

Every eligible student is allowed to choose a study program at PTN.
Each student can choose 2 (two) study programs from one state university or two state universities.
If you choose two study programs, one of them must be in a state university in the same province as your SMA/SMK/MA.
If you choose one study program, you can choose PTN in any province.

School Requirements


SMA/SMK/MA that has an NPSN or National School Principal Number

02 Accreditation Requirements

  • Accreditation A: Top 40% in his school
  • Accreditation B: Top 25% in his school
  • Accreditation C dan lainnya: Top 5% in his school

03 Filling PPDS

Fill in the School and Student Database (PPDS). Student data that is filled in is only eligible in accordance with the requirements

Applicant Requirements

Indonesian citizen (WNI) and has a Population Identification Number (NIK)
Have NISN and registered in PDSS
Have rapoor scores that have been filled in at PDSS in accordance with the provisions
Must upload portfolio for those who choose Arts & Sports study program
Have academic achievement and fulfill the requirements determined by each state university

2024 SNBP Schedules

SNBP Stages
2. Registration of School SNPMB Account
3. Registration of Student SNPMB Account
4. Student Ranking
5. PDSS Form Filling
6. SNBP Registration
7. Choosing Study Program
8. Uploading Portfolio
9. SNBP Path Selection
10. SNBP Announcement
11. Registration Confirmation


Central Contacts
Gedung D Lantai 1 Komplek Kemdikbudristek, Jalan Pintu I Senayan, Jakarta Pusat 10270
Telephone021 - 3104041
Call Center0804 1 450 450
Help Deskhttps://halo-snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id
Official Page https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id
USU Contacts
Jl. Dr. T. Mansur No. 9, Kampus Padang Bulan, Medan, 20155, Sumatera Utara
Call Center085362716693
Help Desk-
Official Page https://www.usu.ac.id

National Test-Based Selection (SNBT) Student Program


About SNBT

SNBT (National Selection Based on Test) is a national selection system for new student admissions to replace SBMPTN (Joint Selection for State Universities). In the SNBT pathway, state universities use a national written exam pattern. In the 2023/2024 Academic Year, students who obtain a high school / MA / SMK certificate are entitled to choose to continue their studies at the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), both in undergraduate and diploma programs through UTBK (Computer-Based Written Test) selection. SNBT registration stages in 2024 are expected to be the same as in previous years, although the details are still subject to change in accordance with the SNBT committee's policy.

Currently, the Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) provides a minimum of 30% of the total capacity of undergraduate and diploma programs through the SNBT route.

General Terms

1. SNBT participants are only allowed to take the UTBK 2024 once.
2. The results of UTBK 2024 are only valid for participating in SNBT and admissions to PTN in 2024.
3. The SNBT 2024 pathway selection is based on the results of UTBK 2024 and portfolio for participants who choose art and/or sports study programs.

Additional Terms

1. Students who have been declared successful in the SNBP 2024 pathway selection, SNBP 2023, and the National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN) 2022 cannot apply for SNBT 2024.
2. Students declared successful in the SNBP 2024 pathway selection cannot apply for independent selections at any state university.
3. Participants declared successful through the SNBT 2024 pathway and have completed the registration at the targeted state university cannot be accepted in the Independent Selection 2024 at any state university.

Participant Requirements

1. High school (SMA/SMK/MA) students in Grade XII or the final year in 2024 or Package C students in 2024 with an age limit of maximum 25 years (as of July 1, 2024).
2. Graduates of high school (SMA/SMK/MA) in 2022 and 2023 or Graduates of Package C in 2022 and 2023 with an age limit of maximum 25 years (as of July 1, 2024).
3. Pay the UTBK fee (except for KIP-Kuliah participants).

Study Program Options

  1. Each participant is free to choose a study program at PTN Akademik, PTN Vokasi, and/or PTKIN.
  2. Each participant is allowed to choose a maximum of 4 (four) study programs consisting of 2 (two) choices of Academic Program (Bachelor) and 2 (two) choices of Vocational Program (Diploma Three and Diploma Four/Applied Bachelor) with the provisions as attached table.
  3. The order of the study program selection indicates the priority of choice.

SNBT Stages

2024 SNBT Schedules
Implementation of UTBK Wave 1April 30, 2024, and May 2-7, 2024
Implementation of UTBK Wave 2May 14-20, 2024
Announcement of SNBT ResultsJune 13, 2024
Certificate Download Period for UTBKJune 17 - July 31, 2024


Central Contacts
Gedung D Lantai 1 Komplek Kemdikbudristek, Jalan Pintu I Senayan, Jakarta Pusat 10270
Telephone021 - 3104041
Call Center0804 1 450 450
Help Deskhttps://halo-snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id
Official Page https://snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id
USU Contacts
Jl. Dr. T. Mansur No. 9, Kampus Padang Bulan, Medan, 20155, Sumatera Utara
Call Center085362716693
Help Desk-
Official Page https://www.usu.ac.id

SMMPTN-Barat Program


About SMMPTN-Barat

SMM PTN-BARAT 2024 is a selection process for new independent pathway students which is jointly organized among state universities in the Western Indonesia BKS-PTN consortium. The selection is based on the results of the computer-based written examination (UTBK), conducted collaboratively under the coordination of the SMM PTN-BARAT committee.

Participants who wish to take part in the UTBK SMM PTN-BARAT 2024 must first register online through the official registration page (https://pendaftaran.smmptnbarat.id/). The online registration process is a series of steps that must be completed by participants up to the finalization stage, which includes printing the examination card and participants are required to follow the UTBK SMM PTN-BARAT 2024 schedule as specified on the examination card.

The independent pathway for students conducted by several state universities in Western Indonesia has been running well since 2017. The joint organization of this process is seen as more efficient and facilitates more equitable access to education for all children of the nation by providing options to choose study programs at other universities within the BKS-PTN Western Indonesia. Through the SMMPTN-Barat 2024 program, high school graduates who have failed due to limited quotas or incorrect choices of study programs and universities, and therefore have not been accepted through the achievement pathway (SNBP) or the test pathway (SNBT), can reapply for selection into state universities.

The organization of SMMPTN-Barat 2024 is based on the Decree of the Chairman of BKS PTN Western Indonesia Region Number: 24-01/BKS PTN-Barat/I/2024 dated January 8, 2024, concerning the Higher Education Institutions Participating in the SMMPTN-Barat 2024 Program and the Decree of the Chairman of BKS PTN-Barat Number: 24-02/BKS PTN-Barat/I/2024 concerning the Committee of the SMMPTN-Barat 2024 Program.

Number of Study Program Options

In SMMPTN-Barat 2024, the committee does not use a group examination system. Applicants from any high school background can choose their desired study programs under the following conditions:

  • Participants may choose up to 4 (four) different study programs at one state university or across 4 different state universities.
  • At least one study program must be chosen at the state university where the UTBK is located, and it does not need to be the first choice.
  • The order of chosen study programs indicates the priority of the choices.

Participant Registration Requirements

Graduates from SMA/SMK/MA or equivalent and Package C must have a diploma.
Participants not accepted through the SNBP and SNBT pathways or participants accepted through the SNBT pathway but have not re-registered.
For graduates from SMA/SMK/MA or equivalent and Package C in 2024, must have a Certificate of Graduation containing at least personal information, a recent photograph, and a valid stamp.
Participants must be healthy enough not to disrupt the UTBK process.

Must have a diploma issued in the last 3 years (2022, 2023, and 2024) except for the following universities:

  1. UNJA, UMRAH, and UTU may use diplomas from the last 5 years (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024).
  2. ISBI Aceh accepts diplomas from the last 10 years, from 2015 to 2024, and Package C up to 35 years old.

Registration Procedure

Registration for SMM PTN-BARAT 2024 is conducted online.
The filling out of the written examination and portfolio registration form is done through the website https://pendaftaran.smmptnbarat.id/ by entering all required data correctly.
Registration begins on May 4, 2024, at 15:00 WIB until June 20, 2024, at 16:00 WIB.
For participants of the SMMPTN-Barat 2024 exam who have made an initial registration to obtain a payment ID, the registration fee payment can be made no later than June 20, 2024, at 16:00 WIB.
If a participant has not finished completing the online registration form, they are still given the opportunity to complete it and save it permanently no later than June 21, 2024, at 14:00 WIB.
The deadline for printing the participant card is on June 21, 2024, at 16:00 WIB.

Test Schedule

UTBK SMMPTN-West 2024 will be held on June 27 to July 05, 2024. Especially on Friday, the afternoon session is adjusted to the Friday prayer time at the location of each PTN.

Test ScheduleJune 27 to July 05, 2024
Morning Session
Participants enter the examination room07.30-07.40
Identity and document check07.40-07.50
Scholastic Potential Test08.00-08.40
English Literacy Test08.40-09.30
Indonesian Literacy Test09.30-10.20
Mathematical Reasoning Test10.20-11.05
Afternoon Session
Participants enter the examination room13.15-13.25
Identity and document check13.25-13.35
Scholastic Potential Test13.45-14.25
English Literacy Test14.25-15.15
Indonesian Literacy Test15.15-16.05
Mathematical Reasoning Test16.05-16.50

Pengumuman kelulusan dilakukan setelah proses penetapan kelulusan oleh masing-masing PTN, yang ditanda tangani oleh Rektor PTN terkait. Pengumuman kelulusan hasil seleksi SMM PTN-BARAT 2024 dilakukan pada tanggal 9 Juli 2024 mulai pukul 16.00 WIB

Test Materials

The exam material/questions consist of two types:

  • First: Scholastic Potential Test;
  • Second: Literacy in Indonesian, Literacy in English, and Mathematical Reasoning.
  • The Scholastic Potential Test (TPS) measures Cognitive Abilities considered important for success in formal schooling, particularly higher education. The TPS will test General Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Ability, General Knowledge and Understanding, and Reading and Writing Skills. Quantitative Ability will include knowledge and mastery of Basic Mathematics.
  • Literacy in Indonesian and English measures the ability to understand, use, evaluate, and reflect on text types to solve problems and develop individual capacity as citizens of Indonesia and the world to contribute productively to society.
  • Mathematical Reasoning measures the ability to think using mathematical concepts, procedures, facts, and tools to solve everyday problems in various types of contexts relevant to individuals as citizens of Indonesia and the world.
Visit the SMMPTN-Barat Announcement Pagelaunch

UTBK Registration and Selection Fee

The exam material/questions consist of two types:

  • First: Scholastic Potential Test;
  • Second: Literacy in Indonesian, Literacy in English, and Mathematical Reasoning.
  • The Scholastic Potential Test (TPS) measures Cognitive Abilities considered important for success in formal schooling, particularly higher education. The TPS will test General Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Ability, General Knowledge and Understanding, and Reading and Writing Skills. Quantitative Ability will include knowledge and mastery of Basic Mathematics.
  • Literacy in Indonesian and English measures the ability to understand, use, evaluate, and reflect on text types to solve problems and develop individual capacity as citizens of Indonesia and the world to contribute productively to society.
  • Mathematical Reasoning measures the ability to think using mathematical concepts, procedures, facts, and tools to solve everyday problems in various types of contexts relevant to individuals as citizens of Indonesia and the world.

Test Venue and Location

  • The first choice university does NOT have to be the location for taking the written exam. However, it is advisable to choose the examination location nearest to the participant's current place of residence.
  • The examination venue for participants in SMM PTN-BARAT 2024 is at the state university closest to the participant's current place of residence and is one of the chosen universities.
  • The location of the written examination rooms is arranged and determined by the committee at each participating state university in the SMM PTN-BARAT 2024 selection program.


Portfolios are documentation of a collection of work or performance (performance) of students made during secondary education. PTN-BARAT 2024 SMM participants who choose study programs that have skill requirements are required to fill out the specified portfolio. Portfolios made in the form of videos, uploaded to the Youtube page and the URL is entered on the portfolio upload menu in the registration application through the website https://pendaftaran.smmptnbarat.id/. For portfolios in the form of images, to be stored on Google drive, and the link is entered in the upload menu.


Find out information on affirmation pathway students, Assessment and Graduation Methods, Institutional Development Fees, Disclaimer Period and Procedures, and other information on the official SMMPTN-West page.

Visit the SMMPTN-Barat Pagelaunch


Secretariat of SMM PTN-BARAT 2024
Kampus Itera
Jl. Terusan Ryacudu, Way Huwi, Kec. Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan - Prov Lampung 35365
Official Page https://smmptnbarat.id
Person in Charge of Information Technology SMM PTN-BARAT 2024
UPT. TIK Universitas Syiah Kuala
Gedung ICT Center USK - Taiwan Jln. Syech Abdurrauf No. 2 Gampong Kopelma Darussalam Kecamatan Syiah Kuala. Kota Banda Aceh - Prov Aceh 23112
Official Page https://smmptnbarat.id

USU TALENTA Excellent Achievement-Based Selection (SBPU TALENTA) Program


About SBPU Talenta

The USU TALENTA Excellent Achievement-Based Selection (SBPU TALENTA) is a program that filters prospective students of Universitas Sumatera Utara who have talents/achievements in the academic and non-academic fields or have special talents recognized at the national or international level. It is conducted to look for prospective students with good character and achievements in their area of interest and talent they master. Hopefully, it can improve the quality of successor students at Universitas Sumatera Utara and provide more excellent opportunities and benefits to students who are motivated to hone their abilities to study at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU). Based on the Regulation of the Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) on New Student Admissions through the USU TALENTA Excellent Achievement-Based Selection Pathway, it was explained that new student admissions through the USU TALENTA Excellent Achievement-Based Selection (SBPU TALENTA) is a new student admission pathway of USU whose results are ratified through a Decree of the Rector and organized by university-level committee. For those of you who want to submit proof of achievement, for that, an original certificate is needed from the institution organizing the competition. Some achievements that meet the selection requirements are Hifzhil Qur'an, Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ), Pesta Paduan Suara Gerejawi (Pesparawi), competitions in science and humanities, etc. The purpose of implementing SBPU TALENTA USU is to provide opportunities for outstanding students to develop at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), improve the quality of new USU students, appreciate outstanding students in academic and non-academic fields, and provide motivation to students to maintain their achievements.

The capacity of the USU TALENTA Excellent Achievement-Based Selection (SBPU TALENTA) is a maximum of 0.5% of the new student admissions quota. The selection is conducted only once a year, and prospective participants can only choose a maximum of two vocational and/or undergraduate study programs at USU. Announcement of the approval will be announced via the www.usu.ac.id website. Those who pass will be considered for single tuition fee (UKT) relief. After passing the selection, prospective students must re-register for administration according to the correct schedule and procedure and are not allowed to change their study program. If they do not re-register, the participant will be disqualified. Finally, participants will take medical tests and collect other documents, such as drug-free and crime-free certificates.

SBPU General Requirements

Are students/graduates of SMA/MA/MAK equivalent who graduated in the last three academic years.
Obtain academic or non-academic champions/awards that are individual or group.
Awards/Champions are obtained during the education period which is equivalent to high school.
Able to comply with Ethics and Rules and meet the requirements as a USU student.

SBPU Special Requirements

New students through the achievement-based selection pathway must have one achievement/certificate that includes a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place winner in the academic field (olympiads, etc.) or non-academic field (arts, sports, etc.) during their education period equivalent to high school. Expertise and other achievements proven by certificates and recognized by the government as organizers of special skills programs are also allowed.
The winner referred to is in regency/city level championships/achievements, both 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners or winners in all categories at the international level.
Evidence of championship certificates must be validated by the Head of the Local Service or an authorized Officer/Administrator.
Achievements in sports championships are Multi Event championships for all sports organized by KONI or government agencies, are official national championships, and have authentic evidence in the form of certificates.
Achievements in spiritual (Islamic) championships are championships held by government agencies/BUMN that are relevant and institutional, such as the MTQ category (Tilawah, Tartil, Tafsir, Qira'at, and others).
Achievements in spiritual (Protestant) championships are championships held by government agencies/BUMN that are relevant and institutional, including Boys & Girls Solo Championships (Pesparawi), Youth Choir Groups, Vocal Groups, and others.
Achievements in arts championships are individual championships on a national scale organized by the government, BUMN, or private parties.
The last requirement is to pass the test and interview by the Selection Team.
*After fulfilling the above requirements, prospective students are required to pass tests and interviews by the Selection Team.

Independent Student Program


About PMM

Independent Student Selection USU (SMM USU) is a new student selection conducted independently by USU. This selection uses a computer-based examination as a valid and reliable measurement tool in selecting and determining the academic abilities of prospective students.

The SMM programs generally are in the form of written exams/tests on SAINTEK and SOSHUM exam materials. USU has greater autonomy in determining the criteria for passing the selection of prospective students in which the criteria for passing the selection are adjusted to the characteristics of the study program. The Independent Student Selection (SMM) is intended to fulfill the capacity of study programs that have yet to be fulfilled through the SNMPTN and SBMPTN pathways, especially some study programs that fewer are interested in.


USU Contacts
Jl. Dr. T. Mansur No. 9, Kampus Padang Bulan, Medan, 20155, Sumatera Utara
Call Center085362716693
Help Desk-
Official Page https://www.usu.ac.id

Undergraduate SMM

The Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Undergraduate (S-1) Independent Student Selection (SMM) is a selection held independently by USU. This selection is held to support the new student admissions quota after the SNBT and SNBP pathway, and is intended for fresh high school graduates so they can study at USU in undergraduate programs.


SMMPTN Barat (West PTN SMM) is an independent selection pathway to enter state higher education institutions (PTN) in the western region of Indonesia. Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) and 24 other PTNs in the West Indonesia Region together organize SMMPTN Barat with the aim of enabling prospective students to follow an independent selection for new students with the opportunity to choose from 25 organizing universities and become their students, especially at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU). The main requirements for prospective participants are: physically and spiritually healthy as well as high school (or equivalent) graduates with a valid and legalized graduation certificate. Further information can be found on the official website of SMMPTN Barat,

SMI (International Independent Selection)

The International Independent Selection of Universitas Sumatera Utara (SMI USU) is an International Class Selection Pathway for prospective students of USU’s undergraduate programs (S-1) who are not Indonesian citizens (WNI). The SMI USU International Class Pathway for the 2023/2024 academic year is held to improve the quality of new student contributions and promote Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) as a "World Class University”.

SMI participants must meet the following main requirements:

  1. Graduated from senior high school (SMA, MA, SMK, overseas SMA, equivalence exam, etc.) in the current year and/or in the last 3 (three) years
  2. Graduated from Package C in the current year or the last 3 (three) years with a three-year report card (as long as the person is participating in the program)

Written information and guidelines on International Independent Selection (SMI) Program can be accessed on penerimaan.usu.ac.id.

Daya Tampung Program Sarjana S1 Universitas Sumatera Utara TA 2024/2025
1121064Banking and Finance100404020
2121065Digital Office Administration75303015
3121066Public Sector Accounting100404020
5121068Applied Chemistry80323216
6121069Tourism Business Management100404020
7121070Instrumentation Engineering Technology80323216
Daya Tampung Program Sarjana S1 Universitas Sumatera Utara TA 2024/2025
1121001Medical Education2505580115
2121002Civil Engineering150384864
3121003Mechanical Engineering120303951
4121004Electrical Engineering120303951
5121005Industrial Engineering160405268
6121006Chemical Engineering120303951
7121007Dentistry Education150334869
12121012Public Health40088128184
13121014Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering100253243
17121017Food Technology100253243
18121018Animal Husbandry140564539
23121022Computer Science150334869
24121023Information Technology150334869
25121024Water Resources Management100253243
28121029Social Anthropology120303951
31121032Social Welfare Science120303951
32121033Public Administration120263955
33121034Communication Science120263955
35121036Development Economics175445675
36121037Political Science120303951
37121038Indonesian Literature125444041
38121039Malay Literature75382413
39121040English Literature235837676
40121041Batak Literature100503218
41121042Arabic Literature135684423
43121044Japanese Literature100403228
44121045Library and Information Science100403228
45121046Mandarin Language50201614
46121047Business Administration110253649
47121025Environmental Engineering70182329

Postgraduate Program


About Postgraduate Program

The USU Postgraduate Program is an education program for undergraduates (S-1) of higher education to continue their studies at the master's level (S-2) to obtain a master's degree and at the doctoral level (S-3) to obtain a doctoral degree. The USU Postgraduate Program Selection is a selection for new students of the postgraduate programs, both the master’s program (S2) and the doctoral program (S3), which is carried out independently by the USU Postgraduate School. The selection is carried out in two stages, the Academic Potential Test (TPA) and interview selection.

The registration process is conducted online so prospective students from various locations can access it openly without having to come directly to the USU Postgraduate School. Currently, USU has 62 postgraduate study programs consisting of 40 master’s study programs and 22 doctoral study programs, with 6 study programs (2 doctoral study programs and 4 master’s study programs) under the direct management of the Postgraduate School.

Postgraduate programs provide great opportunities for students with the aim of improving and perfecting their respective scientific knowledge. Information on the selection of new Postgraduate School student admission related to registration procedures, registration requirements, types of exams, exam locations, exam schedules, and tuition fees can be accessed on the SPS admission website.

Visit the Postgraduate School USU Admission PagelaunchPostgraduate Education Programs Offeredlaunch

General Requirements for Postgraduate

Bachelor's Degree Certificate
Bachelor's Degree Transcript
Drug-Free Certificate
3x4 cm Photograph
Recommendation Letter from 2 former lecturers during undergraduate study and current supervisor (if employed)
Dissertation Proposals
National ID Card
Special requirements can be viewed on the website https://penerimaansps.usu.ac.id

Postgraduate Program Admission Schedule

Postgraduate Program Admission Schedule
Last Confirmation and Print Exam CardJanuary 6, 2024
Basic Academic Potential TestJanuary 9-10, 2024
InterviewJanuary 16-17, 2024
Announcement of GraduationJanuary 22, 2024
Re-registrationJanuary 24-28, 2024
Document VerificationJanuary 25-29, 2024
Tuition PaymentJanuary 31 - February 1, 2024
KRS FillingFebruary 2-4, 2024
Start of LecturesFebruary 5, 2024

Postgraduate Admissions Stages

Basic Academic Potential Test
Announcement of Graduation
Document Verification
Tuition Fee Payment
Course Registration
Beginning of Lectures

Diploma Program


About Diploma Program

The Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Diploma Program Student Admission Selection (SPMPD) is a selection of new diploma (D-3) level students held independently by USU through a computer-based written test (UTBK).

The SPMPD registration process is carried out online so that prospective students from various locations can access it openly without having to come directly to USU. Currently, USU has 14 study programs including diploma programs (D-3) which are in high demand.

Information about SPMPD related to registration procedures, registration requirements, exam types, exam venues, exam times, and tuition fees can be accessed through the SPMPD website.

Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS)


About PPDS

The Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) of the Universitas Sumatera Utara Faculty of Medicine (FK USU) is an advanced level of Medical Doctor Profession Education. Various fields of medical specialization have been established and accredited at the USU Faculty of Medicine, providing opportunities for general practitioners who graduated from FK USU to pursue specialist education at their alma mater. Since the establishment of PPDS in 1961, FK USU has gained extensive experience in educating PPDS students and producing competent graduates in line with the needs of the communities in Sumatra Island and, overall, Indonesia. With the support of the Coordination Team for the Implementation of the Specialist Doctor Education Program, FK USU is increasingly capable of conducting well-coordinated education, producing specialist-1 doctors who possess academic abilities and specialized services in accordance with the advancements in science and technology.

PPDS aims to produce Specialist-1 Doctors who are competent and able to provide specialized services in accordance with the development of medical science and technology. Some of the Specialist Doctor Education Programs (PPDS) that already existed in that year were the Pediatrics PPDS, led and taught by Prof. Jo Kian Tjai, Surgery PPDS by Prof. J.O. Picauly, Obstetrics and Gynecology PPDS by Prof. Tan Oen Siang, Internal Medicine PPDS by Prof. Ahmad Sofian, and Psychiatry and Neurology PPDS by Prof. Mohammad Ilyas Datuk Raja Enda Mora (Ildrem) Siregar. Through the various fields of specialist doctor study programs that have been formed, FK USU provides opportunities for general practitioners who have graduated from FK USU to continue their specialist education. Graduates are expected to provide the best services in their respective fields, advance scientific knowledge, and contribute to solving health-related issues.

PPDS Stages

Online registration on the PPDS websiteOctober 23 - December 5, 2023
Announcement of Prospective ParticipantsDecember 12, 2023
Deadline for VA payment for those who have passed file verificationDecember 20, 2023 12:00 WIB
Psychological TestJanuary 8-9, 2024
MMPIJanuary 10-11, 2024
CBT ExamJanuary 15, 2024
InterviewJanuary 16-19, 2024
Announcement of GraduationJanuary 26, 2024

Specialist Dentist Education Program (PPDGS)



The Specialist Dentist Education Program (PPDGS) is an advanced program for Bachelor of Dentistry (S.Kg.) who want to explore and become professionals in certain fields of dental science. This program is designed to provide more in-depth training and education as well as specialization in various fields of dental science. PPDGS USU enables dentists to develop clinical and scientific expertise according to their interests and passions. Participants will follow a curriculum that includes lectures, intensive clinical training, and dental research and development. Participants will also be supported by experienced and expert teaching staff in their respective fields as well as the latest medical facilities to ensure they get quality education and meet international specialization standards.

PPDGS aims to produce competent dentists who have high academic abilities, capable of providing advanced specialist dental services, and can contribute to the development of dentistry through research and innovation. This program is a valuable opportunity for dentists to hone their skills and have a career as a specialist in their field, as well as provide the best service for society. Dentistry graduates or students who already hold the S.Kg. degree can register on the official website of PPDGS USU https://penerimaanppdgs.usu.ac.id.

PPDGS Stages

Register online on the PPDS website30 Mei-20 June 2023
Announcement of File Selection26-30 June 2023
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Test from the USU Faculty of Medicine4 July 2023
TOEFL5 July 2023
Psychological Test6 July 2023
Computer Based Test Exam10 July 2023
OSCE and Interview11-14 July 2023
Announcement of Qualification24 July 2023

International Student Admission (SMI)


About International Student Admission

Becoming a World Class University can be achieved through excellent research, a conducive academic atmosphere, adequate facilities, and several specific indicators. One important indicator is implementing internationalization so the university can be categorized as a World Class University or a world-class campus. The parameter for internationalization that needs to be carried out by higher education institutions is recruiting the best prospective students from other countries (international students). In other words, the university's international reputation will increase if it becomes a preferred choice for prospective students from foreign countries.

In line with this, Universitas Sumatera Utara also conducts the International Student Selection (SMI) to choose international students with the qualifications and requirements to be accepted as USU students in order to meet the targets set by the Ministry for WCU. The selection process is carried out carefully and comprehensively, starting from the registration stage to the final selection stage. The rigorous and comprehensive selection is expected to attract high-quality international students who have the potential to develop themselves and contribute to improving the quality of education at USU and in their home countries.

Document Requirements

Registration Form (Online)
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Foreign Citizen Passport
Colored Passport Photo
High School Diploma or its equivalent with a translation in Indonesian/English for candidates from non-English speaking countries
Academic Transcript with a minimum average score of 7.0 (on a scale of 1-19) or equivalent
Certificate of Proficiency in Indonesian (for classes conducted in Indonesian, if available)
Certificate of English Language Proficiency with a minimum TOEFL iBT score of 61 or minimum IELTS score of 5.5 for prospective students from non-native English-speaking countries (for classes conducted in English) or other foreign languages (for classes conducted in other foreign languages)
Motivation Statement
Letter of Financial Guarantee
Health Certificate/Medical Statement in English
POB Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa USU 2023 (03-07-2023) R (1)pdf

General Provisions & Requirements

Maximum age of 23 years on August 1, 2023;
Have completed Senior High School or its equivalent in the home country with a maximum of 5 years from the date of graduation when applying;
Foreign citizens as evidenced by a valid passport;
Able to communicate well in Indonesian (for classes conducted in Indonesian) and/or English (for classes conducted in English).

Registration Procedure

Registration is done online by filling out the form at https://isa.usu.ac.id/. All documents are uploaded to the online registration system.

Computer-Based Examination Materials

Scholastic Test
Literacy Test
Visit International Student Admission Websitelaunch

Computer-Based Examination Venue and Schedule

The examination will take place in Malaysia with a computer-based examination process. The examination venue and room assignments will be displayed on the SMI 2023 examination participant cards. The schedule for the SMI 2023 examination activities is presented in the following table:

1June 15–Jul 04, 2023The agency registers the participant via http://isa.usu.ac.id
2June 15–Jul 04, 2023The agency submits the list of names and required documents to Universitas Sumatera Utara
3June 15–Jul 04, 2023Document verification by the university
4July 09, 2023Examination day
5July 14, 2023Admission result announcement
6July 15, 2023The university sends offer letters to successful candidates through the agency
7TBASuccessful candidates complete the new student registration at Universitas Sumatera Utara

Flow Diagram

Implementation CommitteeInvigilatorsTechniciansParticipantsRector
Create the examination documents
Map the questions & participants
Session schedule creation
Guide & oversee the examination implementation
Assist with the technical aspects of the examination implementation
Take the computer-based examination
Record the answers and examination implementation report (BAPU)
Fill out the examination implementation report (BAPU)
Conduct the ranking
Prepare the draft of the Acceptance Decree
Sign the Acceptance Decree
Acceptance announcement
Document verification
Pay the tuition /institutional development contribution fees
Prepare the draft of the New Student Decree
Sign the New Student Decree
Submit them to the ministry as a report

More about Admission

Official written information and guidelines can be accessed on the following page.

Visit Admission Websitelaunch
Image 1

Welcoming the Internationals

Welcome to Universitas Sumatera Utara, where diversity meets unity. We are thrilled to welcome international students from all over the world to experience our dynamic academic and cultural environment. At USU, you will find a warm and supportive community that will help you adjust to a new way of life, both academically and socially. Our campus is home to students from various backgrounds, creating a vibrant and multicultural community. We hope that your experience at USU will not only enrich your academic journey but also offer you a unique opportunity to broaden your horizons and explore a new culture. We are excited to welcome you to our campus and look forward to supporting your success.

International Student Admissionlaunch
Image 1

Prepare Yourself in Becoming a New Student

As prospective students, let's get to know the USU campus better. Find out more about the facilities, infrastructure, and activities on the USU campus.

Find Out More about Prospective Studentslaunch


Discover various scholarships at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) to ensure that USU is the best option for your education. As a Tri Dharma university, USU provides both internal and external scholarships that students can choose. Our scholarship programs assist high-achieving, financially needy, and talented students in specific fields of education. Types of scholarships offered include achievement-based, need-based, and talent-based as well as government, national, and international scholarships. We encourage students to explore our scholarship offers and take advantage of the opportunity to fund their education at USU.

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