SPIRIT Project Participates in SUNS 2023 Workshop in Padang

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Bambang Riyanto


"The SPIRIT Project, funded by Erasmus Plus, has been running for three years with the participation of three European partners, Spain, Cyprus, and Portugal, together with Asian partners, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, which has always contributed to the socialization of healthy exercise and nutrition to prevent non-communicable diseases in Asian countries"

The SPIRIT Project, funded by Erasmus Plus, has been running for three years with the participation of three European partners, Spain, Cyprus, and Portugal, together with Asian partners, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, which has always contributed to the socialization of healthy exercise and nutrition to prevent non-communicable diseases in Asian countries.

This time, the SPIRIT Project provided a workshop at the Sumatra Update on Nutrition Science (SUNS) 2023 event at the Truntum Hotel, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, on November 9-12, 2023. The theme was "Local Food Source and Knowledge in Daily Practice to Enhance Health and Longevity." The symposium was attended by 202 participants, consisting of 108 specialists and 94 general practitioners from all over Indonesia. At the SUNS event this time, four workshops were held, namely cooking class workshops attended by 38 participants, Sports Nutrition and Longevity Workshop attended by 41 participants, Obesity Workshop attended by 38 participants, and Clinical Nutrition Therapy attended by 30 participants.

SPIRIT also contributed to the workshop discussion on Basic Nutrition in Sports, presented by Prof. Dr. dr. Dina Keumala Sari, M. Gizi, SpGK(K) from Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. This was followed by the material The Use of Supplements and Ergogenic in Sports by dr. Fitriyani Nasution, M.Gizi, SpGK, from Universitas Sumatera Utara. Meanwhile, dr. Iflan Nauval, M. ScIH., SpGK (K), SpKKLP, AIFO-K from Universitas Syah Kuala, Banda Aceh, presented the topic of The Examination of Body Composition in Sport, ending with the material from Prof. Dr. dr. Afriwardi, SpKO, M.A., from Universitas Andalas Padang, entitled Sport That Can Enhance Longevity.

For four days, all participants were given various topics on nutrition and exercise in preventing non-communicable diseases and nutrition management to improve fitness and longevity. The case of exercise and nutrition therapy became the main topic of local food, providing discussion topics for participants interested in clinical nutrition. It is planned for the implementation of SUNS in 2025, which will be held continuously

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