

Find useful information for students of Universitas Sumatera Utara here. Various beneficial information for students is available on this page to support students' achievements academically and non-academically.

Faculties and School

Universitas Sumatera Utara offers educational levels consisting of diploma, undergraduate, master, doctoral, professional, specialist, and sub-specialist programs. Several USU faculties also provide international programs for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral study programs.

Vice Rector I Leads the Morning Meeting to Discuss the Work Plan
Vice Rector I Leads the Morning Meeting to Discuss the Work Plan

"Therefore, we also ask BPN to sort out the existing resources and then look at the work unit under Vice Rector I to be able to collaborate," said Vice Rector I.

Information Systems

Universitas Sumatera Utara provides various information systems that are useful for students in enhancing their achievements and facilitating their academic activities.

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Other Announcements

Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka

Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka, or what is usually referred to as Magang Bersama Kampus Merdeka, is a student career preparation program, especially for students in their final semesters, to guide you to become excellent human resources in their fields and ready to enter the world of work. USU also organizes internship programs, where USU and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) cooperate with many private and state-owned companies in Indonesia to provide platforms for USU students as a place to learn as well as prepare their intellect and mentality toward their future careers.

Student Activity Units

The USU campus offers various platforms for students to engage in activities and learn more outside the classroom. Through student activity units, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) facilitates students’ hobbies and interests in various fields. Find more opportunities to meet new friends, share new experiences, develop soft skills, interests and skills, as well as build a broad network.



Activity Units

Layanan Konseling Mahasiswa

Student Counseling Service

Student psychological counseling service that is cared for directly by experienced professionals.

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USU Whistle Blower

USU Whistle Blower

Submit your report regarding the performance, services, as well as facilities and infrastructure at Universitas Sumatera Utara.

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In conducting academic activities, having references that are relevant and can be trusted for their authenticity is crucial. Universitas Sumatera Utara produces and provides various journals and scientific articles that students can use as a foundation for learning and research. Find out more about campus references below.

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Jurnal Universitas

Campus Facilities

USU provides various facilities that can be used, especially by students and the academic community, to support learning activities and as a means to support various non-academic activities.

USU provides various facilities that can be used, especially by students and the academic community, to support learning activities and as a means to support various non-academic activities.

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Discover various scholarships at Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) to ensure that USU is the best option for your education. As a Tri Dharma university, USU provides both internal and external scholarships that students can choose. Our scholarship programs assist high-achieving, financially needy, and talented students in specific fields of education. Types of scholarships offered include achievement-based, need-based, and talent-based as well as government, national, and international scholarships. We encourage students to explore our scholarship offers and take advantage of the opportunity to fund their education at USU.

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