
Teater O USU Student Activity Unit

Teater O USU is one of the oldest student activity units at USU. Established in 1991, Teater O USU carries the motto, "To be present and exist, not just to come and breathe." This student activity unit operates in the field of arts, specifically theater, which is a combination of drama, dance, music, and literature. Apart from working on its own performances, Teater O USU is also often invited to various arts events. Teater O USU always provides opportunities for students to express themselves through culturally-themed works with a satirical comedy genre. Joining Teater O USU allows students to develop social skills and unleash their creativity. Every year, Teater O USU offers USU students the chance to develop their talents and creativity.

Activity Gallery

The National Student Arts Week (Peksiminas) XVI 2022

The National Student Arts Week (Peksiminas) XVI 2022

The participation of the Teater O USU Student Activity Unit in the National Student Arts Week (Peksiminas) XVI 2022 is a historic moment that will always be remembered. With high spirits and determination, six Teater O members from BPSMI North Sumatra gained unforgettable experiences at the Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, on October 22–29, 2022. Prior to this, they also successfully achieved various awards in Peksimida, including 1st place in Male Poetry Reading, 1st place in Female Poetry Reading, 1st place in Poetry Writing, 1st place in Monologue, 1st place in Scriptwriting, 1st place in Comic Strip, 1st place in Black and White Photography, 2nd place in Short Story Writing, and 2nd place in Photography. With intensive preparation, Teater O USU faced Peksiminas with creativity, character exploration, and continuously improved stage skills. During the one-week competition, they performed at their best, captivating the audience and the judges. Teater O USU's participation in Peksiminas 2022 is a significant step in the development of performing arts on campus and in society. Their success serves as an inspiration for future generations to explore the potential of Indonesian arts and culture as well as achieve international recognition. The valuable experience at Peksiminas 2022 proves that spirit, dedication, and cooperation are the keys to facing national performing arts challenges. This achievement inspires not only Teater O USU members but also the entire artistic community in North Sumatra and Indonesia.

Routine Training

Routine Training

Routine training is conducted to hone the talents and creativity of the Teater O USU Student Activity Unit members. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Teater O members gather in the FIB USU Performance Building to practice and develop scripts for upcoming performances. These routine trainings provide a means for members to explore ideas, explore characters, and blend their creativity to create original and interesting works. The collaborative atmosphere and fighting spirit strengthen the bonds among members as well as enhance the quality of their work. With high dedication, the Teater O USU Student Activity Unit is committed to delivering performances that inspire and entertain audiences, as well as contribute to the development of theater arts on campus and in society. Moreover, these trainings provide a platform for members to continue developing in theater arts with support and guidance from fellow members and mentors. The Teater O USU Student Activity Unit aims to be a platform for students to channel their artistic interests, explore their potential, and create meaningful theatrical works.

Inauguration of the 2023–2024 Period Officials

Inauguration of the 2023–2024 Period Officials

The Inauguration of the 2023–2024 Period Officials of the Teater O USU Student Activity Unit marks the culmination of Teater O USU. This event signifies a change in leadership that will propel Teater O to greater heights of achievement and creativity. With the participation of all 55 members, the FIB USU Performance Building became the center of enthusiasm and passion. This inauguration goes beyond a routine ceremony; it is a symbol of the members' determination to preserve the artistic and cultural legacy on campus. With fiery enthusiasm, the new officials are ready to realize extraordinary performances with fresh ideas and limitless creative exploration. The inauguration also represents the announcement of a new vision that will guide Teater O in the future. The new officials bring hope and brilliant plans to continue the success of previous generations. From scriptwriting to stunning stages, from characters to artistic elements, the new officials are prepared to make their best contributions to make the name of Teater O even brighter. This inauguration is a significant milestone in the journey of campus arts at USU. Together, the spirit, dedication, and creativity strengthen the commitment to enhance the theater arts. A bright future awaits, and with this inauguration, Teater O is ready to create historic stories that will be etched into the annals of campus arts.

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