
Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit

Since its establishment in 2012, the Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit has achieved remarkable success in national competitions. The USU Taekwondo Team has won the overall championship in the Indonesian student taekwondo championship. In a competition held in Jakarta, the USU Taekwondo Team surpassed participants from various leading universities in the country. This achievement solidifies the Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit’s position as one of the most successful and prominent sports student activity units on campus. In addition to excelling in competitive events, the Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit is actively involved in organizing social activities and personal development programs, such as seminars, workshops, and community service initiatives. Students who join the Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit can develop martial arts skills, discipline, and leadership qualities. Through various activities, the Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit provides students with opportunities to sharpen their skills, foster friendships, and achieve success at both national and international levels.

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1st Overall Champion and Best Female Player in the USU Games Taekwondo Championship

1st Overall Champion and Best Female Player in the USU Games Taekwondo Championship

Taekwondo, a martial arts sport from South Korea, is one of the most popular sports in Indonesia these days, from young children to adults. In Indonesia, this martial sport is growing very rapidly, marked by the many competitions and championships held at the city, provincial, national, and international levels. With so many championships held, the coaching system owned by PBTI runs very well through championships and matches as a place to evaluate the results of athletes' training and a gathering place between athletes. Universitas Sumatera Utara, in collaboration with the Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit, took part in coaching efforts by holding a national taekwondo championship for universities in North Sumatra, namely the USU Games Taekwondo Championship 2022, which was held on November 10–11, 2022 at the Universitas Sumatera Utara Pancasila Building. This championship was attended by athletes from 12 universities in North Sumatra. The purpose of the championship is to uphold the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Tri Dharma of Higher Education), support athlete development programs, especially taekwondo athletes, strengthen the relationship between fellow athletes, and carry out work programs from each institution, both universities and other regional level organizing institutions, such as North Sumatra Province Taekwondo and KONI SUMUT. In this prestigious match, the Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit managed to top the podium as the 1st overall champion. One of the U-57 kg female athletes, Fiora Patricia Br Ginting from the Accounting Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business, also won the Best Female Player in this event. This tournament is regularly organized annually by the Directorate of Student Achievement and Alumni Relations (Ditmawalumni) of USU. In the future, the Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit is expected to be able to maintain its achievements and make new achievements at the local, national, and international levels. The upcoming USU Games Taekwondo Championship is also expected to be even better.

2nd Overall Champion in the Nommensen Games Taekwondo Championship

2nd Overall Champion in the Nommensen Games Taekwondo Championship

The 2023 Nommensen Games Taekwondo Championship is an inter-university and dojang championship in Medan City. This championship was held on March 18–20, 2023, at the Auditorium of the Universitas HKBP Nommensen Faculty of Medicine. To prepare for this championship, the USU Taekwondo Team conducted additional training for a month. In the championship, the Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit managed to bring home 4 gold medals, 5 silver medals, and 6 bronze medals. With these achievements, the Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit won the Second Overall Champion of Kyorugi Senior Achievement.

Overall Student Champion in Unika Taekwondo Championship

Overall Student Champion in Unika Taekwondo Championship

The 2023 Unika Taekwondo Championship Rector's Cup was held on July 14–16, 2024 at the Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Auditorium. The theme of this activity is "Welcoming the Future in Attaining Achievements". This championship was attended by many universities and dojangs in North Sumatra. USU Taekwondo UKM participates in these activities to improve the mental and physical state of athletes so that they can compete in other national and international championships. In this Championship, the Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit managed to bring home 4 gold medals, 3 silver medals, and 5 bronze medals. Through the acquisition of these medals, the Taekwondo USU Student Activity Unit won the Overall Student Champion Cup.

UKM Informations

AddressSanggar Kebugaran Cikal USU - Jalan Almamater


081370282063 / 082112760081



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