
Suara USU Student Activity Unit

Suara USU is a student activity unit that manages an online media outlet at the USU level. Established in 1995, this student activity unit has successfully maintained its popularity and gained a following of 13 thousand followers on Instagram. The followers of Suara USU come from not only USU students but also people from outside the university who actively follow the media and news from Suara USU. To this day, Suara USU actively collaborates with various media partners. One of the collaborations that Suara USU has had is with Bank Indonesia and NET TV in the BI Goes to Campus with NET TV 2016 event at the USU Auditorium. Suara USU provides a great platform for students who want to develop their writing skills and even gain experience and resources to pursue a career in journalism after completing their studies.

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Basic Journalism Training

Basic Journalism Training

In this era of rapid information, the ability to present news accurately and with quality has become essential. Understanding the importance of this, the Suara USU Student Activity Unit organized Basic Journalism Training (PJTD) on June 26, 2023, at the Hall of the USU Faculty of Social Science and Political Science. This training is specifically designed to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of the world of journalism. With a focus on the basic principles of journalism, ethical reporting, and news writing techniques, PJTD aims to establish a strong foundation for the participants. The main goal is to prepare young individuals interested in the world of journalism with the basic knowledge needed to report information with integrity, accuracy, and professionalism. With the presence of 71 enthusiastic participants, this event becomes a tangible manifestation of Suara USU's commitment to contribute to improving the quality of journalism on campus and in the broader community.

Suara USU Receives KASAD Awards

Suara USU Receives KASAD Awards

In an era full of dynamics, media plays a vital role in communicating various strategic issues to the public. Recognizing the importance of the media's role in building collective awareness, Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) General Dr. H. Dudung Abdurachman, as the leader of the Indonesian Army (TNI Angkatan Darat), initiated the "KASAD Award." This event is designed as a form of award and appreciation for media that have successfully highlighted ten strategic issues that align with government priority programs. At the KASAD Award 2023 event, Suara USU, as one of the most influential student media outlets, successfully captured the judges' attention and secured an award in the Diversity and Tolerance Category. The achievement didn't stop there; Suara USU also became a nominee in two other important categories: Digital Innovation and Fighting Radicalism. The awarding ceremony took place with solemnity at the A.H. Nasution Hall of the Indonesian Army Headquarters in Jakarta on July 10, 2023. This award is not only a recognition but also a motivation for Suara USU to continue innovating in the presentation of information and news for society, especially the academic community of Universitas Sumatera Utara.

Suara USU Gathering

Suara USU Gathering

Coming together is one of the ways to strengthen the bonds of camaraderie, and that is the essence of this event. In one space, the extended family of Suara USU gathers to get to know each other, particularly to welcome the new crew members who have recently joined. It's a special moment for the old crew to share their experiences, while for the new crew, it's a golden opportunity to absorb knowledge and inspiration. This time, the gathering was located at Villa Scout Tibrena, a perfect place to blend the natural atmosphere with the warmth of camaraderie. A total of 45 Suara USU crew members were present, showing their commitment to continue collaborating in presenting quality information and news to the Universitas Sumatera Utara academic community. The Suara USU Gathering is not just a casual gathering but also a tradition that reflects the solidarity, togetherness, and dedication of the Suara USU Student Activity Unit.

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