
Sikonek USU Student Activity Unit

The Sikonek USU Student Activity Unit, also known as the Robotik Sikonek USU Student Activity Unit, was officially established on February 4, 2011. True to its slogan, "To the infinity and beyond," Sikonek USU actively participates in the Indonesian Robot Contest (Kontes Robot Indonesia or KRI) and has achieved notable accomplishments on several occasions, including representing North Sumatra in the national-level KRI competition in 2018. Sikonek USU provides a platform for all USU students who are interested in the field of technology and robotics. USU students who want to be part of the technology field and have the opportunity to create the latest robots can join the Sikonek USU Student Activity Unit.

Activity Gallery

Robotik Sikonek Officials

Robotik Sikonek Officials

In developing a spirit of togetherness and knowledge in the field of technology and robotics, the Sikonek USU Student Activity Unit proudly organized the Robotik Sikonek Officials event. This activity took place on February 2, 2023, at the Robotik Sikonek Secretariat. The main goal of this event was to celebrate the introduction between members of the Robotik Sikonek Management and capture this moment in an official membership photo. By strengthening relationships through this introductory and bonding moment, it is hoped that the Sikonek USU Student Activity Unit will continue to grow as a platform for technology and robotics enthusiasts to collaborate, learn, and innovate together.

Indonesian SAR Robot Contest (KRSRI)

Indonesian SAR Robot Contest (KRSRI)

The Indonesian SAR Robot Contest (KRSRI), held online by the Sikonek USU Student Activity Unit from February 15 to June 26, 2023, is a prestigious event for students interested in robotics and control systems. This is a technical challenge that assesses individual skills and teamwork, providing valuable opportunities to compete at the national level and earn prestigious awards that can open doors to careers in the technology and robotics industry. With a competitive spirit and teamwork, participants can maximize these opportunities and unleash their potential in a world that continues to innovate.

Indonesian Wheeled Soccer Robot Contest (KRSBI)

Indonesian Wheeled Soccer Robot Contest (KRSBI)

The Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) is a highly anticipated event within the community of technology and robotics enthusiasts throughout Indonesia. With great pride, the Sikonek USU Student Activity Unit presents one of the most eagerly awaited events in that community, namely the Indonesian Wheeled Soccer Robot Contest (KRSBI-B). This event is an integral part of the KRI 2023 series, specifically in the Indonesian Wheel Soccer Robot Contest (KRSBI-B) branch. In KRSBI, a team consists of three advanced robots: two as players and one as a goalkeeper. They compete on the field, striving to score goals and tackle the ball like professional soccer players. This competition not only serves as a competitive arena but also as a platform to hone skills in robotics and control systems while fostering teamwork and camaraderie among the Sikonek USU Student Activity Unit members. This event, held online from February 15, 2023, to June 26, 2023, provides an opportunity for the Sikonek USU Student Activity Unit members to develop and refine their technical skills and creativity in designing wheeled robots. By providing a means to enhance technical skills, team collaboration, and abilities to overcome challenges, this event will help the Sikonek USU Student Activity Unit attain outstanding achievements at the 2023 Indonesian Robot Contest while inspiring members to continue innovating and achieving success.

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