
Relawan Sahiva USU Student Activity Unit

Relawan Sahiva USU has been established since at least the early 2000s and has served as a platform for student consultation on the Adolescent Reproductive Health Triad, which includes reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and drug-related aspects. Focusing on volunteerism and community service, it carries out various programs to assist and improve the quality of life in the surrounding community. These programs include providing information and counseling to fellow students on reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and drug-related issues, as well as raising public awareness about the importance of maintaining health and preventing drug abuse. The Relawan Sahiva USU Student Activity Unit participates in various social activities, such as teaching, health education, aid distribution, and community development. Through collaboration with nonprofit organizations and social institutions, this student activity unit serves as a backbone in the contributions made by Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) towards social awareness and a positive impact on the local community. Joining this student activity unit provides a great opportunity for students to develop social skills, empathy, and leadership abilities.

Activity Gallery

HIV Prevention and Control Seminar at the North Sumatra Governor's Office

HIV Prevention and Control Seminar at the North Sumatra Governor's Office

Marking the commemoration of World AIDS Day on December 1, 2022, an important seminar was held at the Hall of the North Sumatra Governor's Office. This seminar was specially designed to raise public awareness about the risks and impacts of HIV/AIDS. With the presence of key stakeholders, community figures, and the young generation from student communities in North Sumatra, the event emphasized the importance of collaboration and education to prevent the spread of the disease.

Parliament Tour with the Anti-Drug Student Ambassadors at the North Sumatra Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) Office

Parliament Tour with the Anti-Drug Student Ambassadors at the North Sumatra Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) Office

On December 7, 2022, the Relawan Sahiva USU Student Activity Unit collaborated with the Anti-Drug Student Ambassadors to participate in the Parliament Tour held at the North Sumatra Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) Office. This event attracted the participation of students from various organizations, providing a platform to delve into the democratic system and promote discussions about the legislative role in governance, particularly concerning health issues. The event served as an important means to enhance students' understanding of state governance and their active involvement in public health issues.

Drug Awareness Campaign at SMPN 4 Pantai Labu

Drug Awareness Campaign at SMPN 4 Pantai Labu

In February 2023, Universitas Sumatera Utara initiated an educational activity to invite teenagers in the area of Pantai Labu, Lubuk Pakam, to understand the negative impacts of drugs. With a focus on the importance of a healthy and quality young generation, this awareness campaign successfully captured the attention of SMPN 4 Pantai Labu students. The initiative aims to build awareness of drug risks and encourage teenagers to avoid its detrimental influences for a brighter future.

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