
Paduan Suara (PS) U.L.O.S. USU Student Activity Unit

PS stands for Paduan Suara (Choir), while U.L.O.S. stands for Universal Lyrics Of the Symphony. As the name suggests, PS U.L.O.S. USU is a choir student activity unit at USU that caters to various activities such as religious events, performances, ceremonies, and more. PS U.L.O.S. comprises not only Christian students but also students of other religions, including Islam and other faiths. PS U.L.O.S. USU has gained recognition at the national level for its performances. PS U.L.O.S. provides an excellent platform for USU students with singing talent and vocal skills. Through this student activity unit, students can showcase their potential and talent in choral singing and also expand their network of friendships.

Activity Gallery

PS U.L.O.S. as Special Stars at the Sheira Creative Foundation Stage

PS U.L.O.S. as Special Stars at the Sheira Creative Foundation Stage

In order to introduce their talents and vocal abilities to the public, Paduan Suara U.L.O.S. USU performed as a guest star at the Sheira Creative Foundation Stage. Taking place at the Atrium of Manhattan Times Square, the event took place on May 20, 2023, starting from 11:00 Western Indonesia Time until its conclusion. Presenting carefully selected songs, Paduan Suara U.L.O.S. aimed to deliver an unforgettable performance for the attending audience. Through this performance, it is hoped that more people will become acquainted with and appreciate the musicality of Paduan Suara U.L.O.S. USU.

2nd Ken Steven International Choral Festival 2022

2nd Ken Steven International Choral Festival 2022

In the year 2022, Paduan Suara U.L.O.S. USU achieved brilliant success in the international choir scene. Following their annual tradition of competing at both national and international levels, they participated in the 2nd Ken Steven International Choral Festival. Held from September 23 to 25, 2023, this event provided Paduan Suara U.L.O.S. with a platform to showcase their vocal prowess. Under the guidance of their conductor, Ondi Yohan Tambunan, S.Sn., this team of talented vocalists delivered two captivating songs: "Janger," arranged by Budi Susanto, and "Kruhay," arranged by Benny F. Castillon. Their stunning performance propelled Paduan Suara U.L.O.S. to advance to the Grand Prix Round. Concluding the competition with an impressive outcome, they secured the gold medal and claimed the third position in the Open Choir Category. This achievement not only solidified their presence in the national choir scene but also on the international stage.

EUPHORIA Nusantara Art Show

EUPHORIA Nusantara Art Show

In order to enliven the Nusantara Art Show entitled "EUPHORIA," the Faculty of Social Science and Political Science (FISIP) of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) presented a special attraction. Precisely on June 1, 2023, starting from 1:00 PM Western Indonesia Time until the conclusion, the FISIP USU Hall was filled with the melodious harmony presented by Paduan Suara U.L.O.S. USU. Acting as guest stars in the event, Paduan Suara U.L.O.S. didn't perform just for entertainment. More than that, they were present to introduce themselves and their musicality to the students of FISIP USU. In line with the event's theme, this choir group resonated harmonious voices through carefully selected songs that carry cultural nuances. Their performance didn't just become an aesthetic treat but also a bridge of appreciation toward the richness of our culture.

UKM Informations

AddressJl. Dr. Mansyur No. 68 Komplek PUSDIKLAT LPPM USU, Medan


085373273248 / 0895603617727




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