
PRAMUKA USU Student Activity Unit

PRAMUKA USU is an organization that provides opportunities for USU students to engage in scouting activities and character development. Through PRAMUKA USU, students can learn about scouting values, wilderness survival skills, leadership, teamwork, and community service. Members of PRAMUKA USU are guided to become individuals who are resilient, responsible, and ready to face various challenges in life. PRAMUKA USU is also actively involved in social activities, such as community service carried out at the end of 2021, where the PRAMUKA USU team collaborated with the community of Silalahi II Village in cleaning up the village area and constructing waste disposal facilities in several locations. Joining PRAMUKA USU can provide valuable experiences, expand social networks, and develop a strong character for students.

Activity Gallery

Medan City Anniversary 2023

Medan City Anniversary 2023

In the spirit of togetherness and dedication to advancing Medan City, the PRAMUKA USU Student Activity Unit proudly organized a series of activities to celebrate the 433rd Medan City Anniversary. This annual celebration is an important means for the PRAMUKA USU Student Activity Unit to further love and support the development of Medan City. With the theme "Move to Collaborate", this celebration invites all members of the PRAMUKA USU Student Activity Unit and the people of Medan to collaborate in facing challenges and achieving progress. The Medan City Anniversary celebration also featured a solemn ceremony as a form of respect for Medan City. All members of the PRAMUKA USU Student Activity Unit followed the ceremony with enthusiasm and pride.

Dispora Leadership Training 2021

Dispora Leadership Training 2021

The Department of Youth and Sports (Dispora) Leadership Training is an activity that aims to develop leadership skills for Penegak and Pandega throughout Medan City. This activity, held from March 29 to 31, 2021, at Griya Hotel Medan, was attended by Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) students who are part of the PRAMUKA USU Student Activity Unit. The 4 participants who participated in this training were Achmad Razief Musyaffa Harahap, Muhammad Fadly, Muhammad Agus Adytama, and Siti Rahma Yani. By presenting various materials and learning methods, this activity was organized to improve the participant's leadership skills and help them become influential change agents in society.

Medan City Anniversary 2022

Medan City Anniversary 2022

On the 432nd birthday of Medan City, which is a historical moment, the PRAMUKA USU Student Activity Unit proudly held a ceremony at the USU Mini Stadium. The ceremony was a form of love and appreciation for the city that contributed greatly to their development as students. At that time, the PRAMUKA USU Student Activity Unit not only held a ceremony but also participated in a series of cultural parades held on Kesawan Street. This parade is one of the important moments in Medan City's birthday celebrations, where various cultural elements from various tribes and communities in Medan City come together to display the richness of local arts and culture. With the spirit of togetherness and collaboration, the PRAMUKA USU Student Activity Unit also enlivened this event with stunning and unique performances.

UKM Informations

AddressJl. Dr. Mansyur No. 9, Kampus USU


081279866310 / 082174207413




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