
Menwa USU Student Activity Unit

Resimen Mahasiswa (Menwa) USU is a student activity unit focused on character development and discipline among students at Universitas Sumatera Utara. It has been established since 1977. In recent news, Menwa USU has conducted various activities involving military training, leadership development, and community service. Menwa USU plays an important role in shaping resilient and disciplined character among students. Members of Menwa USU are empowered through physical training, understanding of regulations, and discipline in various activities.

Activity Gallery

Flag Raising on August 17 by Menwa USU

Flag Raising on August 17 by Menwa USU

Menwa USU played a crucial role in commemorating a historical event by carrying out the noble duty of raising the red and white flag in a solemn ceremony. This ceremony is held with great reverence at the Universitas Sumatera Utara Rectorate. The Rectorate is not just the location of the event; it also symbolizes the university's determination to preserve and honor the values of independence. With profound meaning, Menwa USU carries out its duty with respect and gratitude, conveying the message that the spirit of independence must be continually safeguarded. The act of flag raising by Menwa USU in commemoration of the 77th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia's independence is not merely a formal ceremony but also reflects commitment, pride, and devotion to the homeland. Through this ceremony, Menwa USU solidifies its role as the vanguard in upholding the spirit of nationalism and love for the country. The act of flag raising by Menwa USU serves as a tangible representation of the of the spirit of independence that continues to burn within every member, reminding us all of the importance of preserving and upholding the nation's noble ideals.

Disaster Preparedness and Evacuation Briefing

Disaster Preparedness and Evacuation Briefing

The Disaster Preparedness and Evacuation Briefing is an activity conducted to enhance the readiness and safety of the members of the Menwa USU Student Activity Unit in dealing with various natural disasters. Held on June 13, 2023, at the North Sumatra BPBPD Office, this activity focuses on providing a comprehensive understanding to every member of the Menwa USU Student Activity Unit about disaster management and effective evacuation strategies. The knowledge gained is expected to enable members of the Menwa USU Student Activity Unit to be the vanguard in providing assistance to the community during emergency situations. The event was attended by eleven members of the Menwa USU Student Activity Unit with diverse backgrounds. Aside from this, the knowledge acquired from this activity is expected to empower them to act as agents of change in raising awareness about disaster preparedness in their surroundings. This activity is expected to provide strong provisions to members of the Menwa USU Student Activity Unit in facing emergency situations. With the understanding gained, they are expected to provide prompt and appropriate responses to disaster situations as well as contribute positively to supporting society and local government in disaster mitigation efforts.

Archery Training

Archery Training

Archery training is an activity conducted by Menwa USU with the goal of optimizing the capabilities and quality of Menwa USU Student Activity Unit members. Eight members of the Menwa USU Student Activity Unit are actively involved in this activity. Archery training is held with the purpose of providing opportunities for members to develop their soft skills, especially in archery proficiency. However, beyond honing archery skills, this training also aims to train and develop accuracy, concentration, and discipline—essential aspects in both the military and daily life. Additionally, this activity is expected to foster solid teamwork and effective communication among members, adding value to their experiences and supporting the development of resilient and strong character. Through their high interest in developing archery skills, this activity will also trigger a very beneficial exchange of experiences among those from diverse backgrounds.

UKM Informations

AddressJalan Universitas No.24 USU


081366424342 / 082166600191




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