
KOMPAS USU Student Activity Unit

KOMPAS USU is one of the organizations established at USU on October 6, 1980. As one of the oldest organizations, KOMPAS USU is always active in implementing its planned activities, ranging from mountain expeditions in Indonesia, organizing recycling competitions, to tree planting in the upstream area of the Deli River. KOMPAS USU is a university-level student organization engaged in outdoor adventures, nature lovers, and environmental studies. For students who are interested and enjoy a direct connection with nature, joining KOMPAS USU is the right choice. To this day, KOMPAS USU will continue to spread its benefits and make it the best organization for nature-loving students.

Activity Gallery

Tumor Toba Expedition

Tumor Toba Expedition

The Tumor Toba Expedition carried out by the Universitas Sumatera Utara Nature Lovers and Environmental Studies Student Corps (KOMPAS USU) was an in-depth and insightful journey of discovery, encompassing adventures in nature and an introduction to local culture. From August 27th to September 8th, 2017, nine students from various faculties explored four mountain peaks surrounding Lake Toba, crossing three different regencies. Mounts Sibuaten, Pangulubao, Surungan, and Ulu Darat were the expedition's focus, each peak offering its own unique challenges and discoveries. Led by Samuel D. Sinaga, the expedition team investigated the geological history, documented biodiversity, and summarized their observations in a book based on scientific thinking, making a valuable contribution to our understanding and knowledge of this region. The expedition did not only focus on natural research but also interactions and getting to know the local communities in the Tumor Toba area. The team conducted social studies in various villages, including Nagalingga and Janji Maria. They engaged in dialogues with local communities and gained deeper insights into their way of life and culture. The Tumor Toba Expedition was not only successful in its scientific mission but also served as a trigger for a deeper appreciation and understanding of Indonesia's rich and unique nature and culture.

Kayaking on Lake Toba

Kayaking on Lake Toba

The kayaking activity on Lake Toba conducted by KOMPAS USU aimed to find potential locations for the development of specialized kayaking tourism. Participants of this kayaking expedition set off with high spirits to explore Samosir Island and witness its natural wonders. This 92 km kayak journey took a route around the island, providing an unforgettable experience and a unique perspective on the beauty of Lake Toba. This kayaking expedition spanned three days and demanded physical and mental resilience from each participant. Carefully navigating, participants strived to maintain balance on their kayaks and faced the challenges of the lake's waters. The kayak journey began from Sibandang Island, and participants paddled through Lake Toba's calm and clear waters. The final route of the expedition led them to the Aek Tano Ponggol Bridge, where the kayak journey officially concluded with beautiful memories and outstanding achievements. Through this kayaking expedition, members of the KOMPAS USU Student Activity Unit not only found joy in adventure but also developed teamwork, resilience, and love for the nature of Indonesia.

White Water Rafting

White Water Rafting

White water rafting is one of the special materials that must be conducted in every KOMPAS USU member orientation period. In this activity, prospective members have the opportunity to apply the rafting system, which includes paddling techniques, rapid observation, and rapid mapping, to water rescue. All of these skills are crucial in facing the challenging waterfalls and rapids. White water rafting also teaches prospective members of KOMPAS USU about the importance of water rescue. They are taught how to swim actively against the current to save themselves and team members who may fall from the raft. In addition, prospective members also learn passive swimming techniques to protect themselves in strong rapids. All this is done by prioritizing safety and accompanied by instructions from experienced instructors. In addition to providing extreme adventure moments, white water rafting also offers valuable education as well as unforgettable excitement and joy for the participants. The experience of being in the midst of turbulent rapids also teaches about facing fear and developing self-confidence. Strong team spirit and camaraderie bring joy and happiness during the journey. After overcoming various obstacles and rapids, participants feel proud and satisfied with their accomplishments. "Safety first in activity and keep spirit" is an important motto in embarking on this adventure.

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AddressJl. Alumni No. 2, Kampus USU


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