
Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit

In the era of innovation and technological development, Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit has been a platform for students to explore their creative potential and channel their research spirit for the past 13 years. Through the student activity unit’s various programs and activities, USU students can develop brilliant ideas into solid concepts, such as designing prototypes, commercializing the products or services they create, and forming partnerships with other student activity units and organizations. Joining Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit is a first step for students interested in the world of technology research and development.

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Innauguration of Officials

Innauguration of Officials

The Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit has started a new chapter by successfully holding an inauguration of the new officials for the 2022/2023 period on Saturday, March 26, 2022. This virtual event was attended by various community members, including alumni, outgoing officials, and representatives from other student activity units within USU. At the beginning of the event, Lolo Ferdinan Siahaan, head of the organizing committee, delivered an opening speech, followed by Muhammad Fauzi, the Head of the Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit. In his speech, Fauzi urged the new officials to maintain the spirit of collaboration in developing the student activity units toward a better future. The event continued with the announcement of the names of the new officials by the outgoing officials, with 56 officials inaugurated in the event. They came from various divisions, ranging from the Daily Management Body (BPH), HRD Division, Public Relations, Media, Science and Technology (Saintek), Health, to Social and Cultural. After that, the new officials took part in the inauguration pledge led by Muhammad Fauzi. The inauguration event concluded with a documentation session and closing remarks from the MC, who also extended congratulations to the new officials and appreciation to all the invited guests who attended.

1st Place in the PKMNI UBC 2023 National Essay

1st Place in the PKMNI UBC 2023 National Essay

The achievement of one of the Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit members, Fabio Alpacino Sianipar, is a source of pride for the Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit and USU. The award-winning essay focused on a crucial issue in the world of education, namely innovation in education financing loans. In his brilliant essay, Fabio outlined the challenges many students face, especially those who have difficulty funding their higher education. Fabio Alpacino Sianipar's victory in PKMNI UBC 2023 is not just a personal achievement. It also reflects the dedication and efforts provided by the Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit in guiding and supporting students like Fabio in developing their creative ideas. With the assistance of the Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit, students have a platform that allows them to implement their innovative ideas and contribute to positive change in society.

1st Place in the National Economic Essay Competition 2023

1st Place in the National Economic Essay Competition 2023

The talented team from the Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit recently achieved 1st place in the National Economic Essay Competition 2023. This success is the result of the team's relentless efforts and dedication in facing a national-level competition that demands a deep understanding of economics and excellent writing skills. The competition required participants to produce informative and brilliant essays on current economic issues, and the team from the Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit met these demands with brilliance. This achievement reflects the quality of education and guidance provided by the Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit to its students. The success of this team also instills pride in the Inkubator Sains USU Student Activity Unit and the entire USU student community. This achievement will serve as a source of inspiration for other students at USU, demonstrating that with dedication, deep knowledge, and strong passion, extraordinary achievements can be attained. May this success serve as motivation for students to continue pursuing high achievements and contributing to economic science and a better future.

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