
Debat USU Student Activity Unit

Debat USU Student Activity Unit is a student activity unit that provides a platform for students to enhance their soft skills in the field of public speaking. As one of the highly sought-after student activity units at USU, Debat USU Student Activity Unit encourages its members to sharpen their critical thinking, debating, and public speaking skills, both in Indonesian and English. Having a strong learning spirit and the ability to commit are the criteria sought after by this student activity unit. For students seeking a platform for personal development in the areas of social engagement, language proficiency, and self-confidence, Debat USU Student Activity Unit is the right choice.

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Sumatera English Olympiad

Sumatera English Olympiad

The Sumatera English Olympiad is an event that has successfully fostered a healthy debate competition. This event reflects the spirit of healthy competition and appreciation for the efforts in debating in the region. USU's participation, represented by a four-member debate team, competes with 50 representatives from other universities in Indonesia. Its objectives include improving the quality of rhetoric and debate among students in Medan, promoting a spirit of competition and inter-university cooperation in debating, developing speaking skills, argumentation, and knowledge in the English language, as well as providing an opportunity for students to hone their debating skills and share ideas. The presence of representatives from various universities enriches students' experiences and insights in speaking and arguing in English. This event reflects cooperation, learning, and the exchange of ideas within the debating student community. Through the Sumatera English Olympiad, the Debat USU Student Activity Unit inspires students to sharpen their speaking and debating abilities, as well as build close relationships among universities.

IEC Debate Open

IEC Debate Open

Understanding the importance of English language proficiency and public speaking skills in the current global era, the Debat USU Student Activity Unit actively participates in the IEC Debate Open event. This event aims not only to enhance the members' capacity to communicate in English but also to promote debate as an effective method for learning the English language. The participation of four skilled teams from USU, along with the involvement of 40 teams from various institutions in Medan, marks the growing popularity of this activity and underscores the Debat USU Student Activity Unit's commitment to supporting the development of English-language debate at the regional level.

Selection for the National University Debating Championship Regional 2019

Selection for the National University Debating Championship Regional 2019

The Selection for the National University Debating Championship Regional 2019 was a significant milestone for the Debat USU Student Activity Unit, with a focus on determining the team that would represent USU in the National University Debating Championship at the national level. Through the participation of debate teams and an adjudicator, the Debat USU Student Activity Unit expressed its determination to accomplish achievements and enhance the quality of debates at the regional level. This event also aimed to improve the speaking, argumentation, and rhetorical skills of the Debat USU Student Activity Unit members while fostering a spirit of competition and cooperation among students in the debate world. By participating in the Selection for the National University Debating Championship Regional 2019, the Debat USU Student Activity Unit strives to honor the university, enhance the speaking, argumentation, and rhetorical skills of its members, as well as inspire a spirit of competition and cooperation among students.

UKM Informations

AddressPusdiklat LPPM USU Jl. Dr. Mansyur – Medan, Sumatera Utara


08887959067 / 085362484069




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