
Ad-Dakwah USU Student Activity Unit

The Ad-Dakwah USU Student Activity Unit is an Islamic student activity unit that has been established since 1995. This student activity unit started with several Muslim students at USU who were concerned about the development of religious life on the USU campus. As a da'wah-based organization, the Ad-Dakwah USU Student Activity Unit actively conducts regular religious gatherings and organizes religious studies by inviting intellectual, religious scholars. Based on the departments and institutions within this UKM, such as Cadre Development, Contemporary Studies, Da’wah Communication, Finance and Business, Muslimah Studies, Da’wah Training Centre, and Journalism Institution, the Ad-Dakwah USU Student Activity Unit expects its members to operate the organization based on Islamic principles. Joining this student activity unit is seen as a means of accumulating rewards and becoming a medium of communication with Allah SWT.

Activity Gallery

Riayah Pementor (Mentor Studies) Volume 1

Riayah Pementor (Mentor Studies) Volume 1

Riayah Pementor is not just a routine activity but an important strategy for mentors to continuously improve their capabilities. In this agenda, mentors aim to provide the proper guidance, advice, and direction to help achieve their goals. To achieve this success, a mentor must have the unique ability to listen and empathetically understand the needs of the individual being mentored, as well as provide honest and constructive feedback. The Riayah Pementor activity scheduled on February 12, 2023, at the USU Library Park is a precious moment. The main goal of this event is to strengthen the knowledge base and improve the moral aspect, especially in the context of providing guidance to foster siblings. The mentors participating in this activity will be given a deeper understanding of how to effectively guide and motivate their foster siblings, thereby cementing a strong and forward-looking mentoring community.

Ulumul Syar'i Routine Studies (Tasqif)

Ulumul Syar'i Routine Studies (Tasqif)

Tasqif/Ulumul Syar'i is a very important initiative undertaken by Islamic student activity units (UKMI) of USU. Its main objective is to increase tsaqafah islamiyyah or Islamic knowledge among UKMI cadres and students in general. This activity is carried out with discipline, namely once every week, by organizing Islamic studies open to all USU Muslim students. Through Tasqif/Ulumul Syar'i, students can improve their understanding of Islam, both in terms of theory and practice. This helps them in developing more profound beliefs and knowledge about their religion. In addition, this activity serves as a platform to strengthen the relationship between fellow USU Muslim students. By involving the entire Muslim student community, Tasqif/Ulumul Syar'i is not only about increasing religious knowledge but also about building strong social bonds and togetherness among students. This creates an environment that supports their spiritual and intellectual development and enriches their overall higher education experience.

Basic Islamic Training (Tekad) 3

Basic Islamic Training (Tekad) 3

Basic Islamic Training (Tekad 3) is one of the important activities organized by the Ad-Dakwah USU Islamic Student Activity Unit (UKMI) with a very clear purpose: regeneration of UKMI cadres to continue the leadership relay in the organization at the Universitas Sumatera Utara. This activity was held for three days, on March 21, 22, and 23, 2023. Each stage of this activity was carefully designed to create a deep understanding of the strong Islamic and organizational values of the Ad-Dakwah USU Islamic Student Activity Unit. During this period, cadres from various faculties come together to understand their role in this organization and how they can contribute positively. Tekad 3 also has a focus on management regeneration. Through this training, young cadres are taught about leadership, organizational management, and other skills needed to manage UKMI well. This creates a strong foundation for the continued development of the organization.

UKM Informations

AddressLantai 2 Gedung BT/BS Ad-Dakwah, Jl. Nazir Alwi No. 01, Medan 20154


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