Ditmawalumni USU Prepares Lecturers for PKM 2024

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Bambang Riyanto

Ditmawalumni USU Prepares Lecturers for PKM 2024

"This activity significantly influences university achievements; it is a prestigious event for student achievements organized by the Ministry. Especially if it leads to PIMNAS," stated Ir. Erni"

USU PR- Directorate of Student Achievements and Alumni Relations (Ditmawalumni USU) organized a socialization session for lecturers on the Student Creativity Program (PKM) to prepare for the exploration strategy towards the National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) 2024, titled "Dosen Berhasil, Mahasiswa Berprestasi"(Successful Lecturers, Achieving Students).

The event occurred online and offline at the Prof. Dr. Suhadji Hadibroto FEB USU Auditorium on Monday (01/08/2024).

If in the previous year, Padjadjaran University was chosen as the host for the 36th PIMNAS in 2023, this year, Airlangga University has the opportunity to host PIMNAS 2024, scheduled to take place later this year.

The socialization featured two speakers, Prof. Andi Dian Permana, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., Apt., as the recipient of the Best PKM Award 2023 for Academic Supervisors, National PKM Technical Team, and Ir. Erni Misran, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., the Chairperson of the USU PKM Center.

In his presentation, Prof. Andi Dian Permana, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., Apt., emphasized several crucial aspects of PKM development, especially regarding understanding the guidelines and schemes of PKM. The accompanying lecturers consider This understanding essential because it is one of the main requirements the supervisors must own and understand.

"Some things that need to be emphasized by supervising lecturers for the student creativity program are understanding the guidelines and schemes of the PKM," said Prof. Andi.

In line with this, Ir. Erni Misran, S. T., M. T., Ph.D., explained the crucial role of lecturers as mentors from the beginning, including in exploring ideas and team formation. Lecturers are involved in forming teams and selecting students with high dedication, emotional stability, and other criteria. From the gathered data, it is evident that students are more interested in PKM-RE and PKM-K.

"So, supervising lecturers and students pour not only their thoughts but also their time and energy into this PKM activity," clarified Ir. Erni.

Furthermore, Ir. Erni Misran, S. T., M. T., Ph.D., emphasized that for lecturers, mentoring students is one of the implementations of the Higher Education Tri Dharma. Student achievements impact the ranking of USU; additionally, this is also part of lecturer development, especially with the MKBM and IKU systems in place. Lecturers have the opportunity to contribute not only to society but also to students.

"This activity significantly influences university achievements; it is a prestigious event organized by the Ministry for student achievements. Especially if it leads to PIMNAS," expressed Ir. Erni.

One of the supervising lecturers, Liana Dwi Sri Hastuti, M.Si., Ph.D., pledged to allocate more time to mentor USU student PKM teams. She also emphasized being more selective in choosing students based on intelligence, good public speaking abilities, and adequate proficiency in the English language.

"Such breakthroughs may need to be applied because they are one of the crucial assessments for students to pass PKM and reach PIMNAS," asserted Liana.

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas

Interviewee: - - -

Photographer: Amri Simatupang - Humas


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