
Ekonomi Syariah USU Student Activity Unit

KSEI FOSEI USU (Kelompok Studi Ekonomi Islam Forum Studi Ekonomi Islam USU or the USU Islamic Economics Study Group of the Islamic Economics Study Forum) is a student activity unit established in late 2013. Although it is called Islamic economics study, this UKM is open to all USU students from various majors. In line with its vision of "Embodying Islamic Economics," this student activity unit is enthusiastic about spreading information to revive Islamic values in all economic activities, which ultimately fosters unity among Muslims. Delegates from KSEI FOSEI USU have also received awards at the National Scientific Meeting in 2022. This makes KSEI FOSEI USU a competent student activity unit to enhance the reputation of USU. Therefore, KSEI FOSEI USU provides freedom for USU students motivated to experience and disseminate the benefits of Sharia economics to the wider community.

Activity Gallery

Innauguration of Officials

Innauguration of Officials

The inauguration of officials is a special moment to build a quality Islamic economy future. The event, which took place on April 1, 2023, became a sign and a new moment for the Ekonomi Syariah USU Student Activity Unit. Approximately 90–100 participants from diverse backgrounds, including students, lecturer advisors, and Islamic economics observers, enthusiastically attended the event. In an optimistic campus environment, this inauguration serves as a stepping stone for the student activity unit to continue innovating, become a source of inspiration, and play a significant role in raising awareness about an economy based on Sharia principles. With strong determination, the new officials are ready to embark on a journey to elevate Islamic economics to a higher level in the future.

FoSSEI National Scientific Meeting at Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 2022

FoSSEI National Scientific Meeting at Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 2022

As an effort to strengthen the bonds among KSEI members across Indonesia, the Ekonomi Syariah USU Student Activity Unit participated in this event. Held from July 1–5, 2022, at Universitas Islam Indonesia, this activity presented a valuable opportunity to unite visions and perspectives in discussing contemporary issues in Islamic economics. Beyond the intellectual context, the FoSSEI National Scientific Meeting also featured competitions that were not just contests but also platforms to prove competence and dedication under the banner of strong camaraderie. Approximately 200 individuals representing various regions across the country attended this moment. The diversity and number of participants ensured that diverse perspectives would come together, enlivening discussions and competitions with different colors and richness. With great expectations, participants brought back not only knowledge but also new networks and inspiration to develop Islamic economics across various segments of society.

Regional Scientific Meeting at Universitas Syiah Kuala

Regional Scientific Meeting at Universitas Syiah Kuala

From June 13–15, 2023, Universitas Syiah Kuala became an important venue for an inspiring series of events. This activity aimed to unite the determination and perspectives of KSEI members in the northern Sumatra region. Involving cadres and members of the Islamic Economics Study Group (Kelompok Studi Ekonomi Islam or KSEI) from North Sumatra to Aceh, this event was more than just a meeting. It was a golden opportunity to build relationships, deepen discussions, and test competencies. Over ±135 individuals representing various corners of the region attended this opportunity, ensuring that discussions and competitions were enriched with diverse viewpoints. At the campus of Universitas Syiah Kuala, this Regional Scientific Meeting left a valuable mark. This event marked the participants' first steps towards a brighter future. Through the exchange of knowledge, expanding networks, and growing enthusiasm, they will become pioneers of sharia economics with meaning and integrity in society.

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