USU Collaborates with Babson College USA

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Bambang Riyanto


"This collaboration is a vital asset for us to look at internationalization which is being intensively carried out in line with USU's transformation efforts into an entrepreneurial university," said Prof. Mury, who visited Babson College in Massachusetts Friday (26/5/2023) local time."

USU PR - Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) officially became one of 36 universities worldwide to collaborate with Babson College, United States of America (USA), a campus-based in Wellesley, Massachusetts, focusing mainly on entrepreneurship education.

Babson College is currently ranked 126th in the United States by The World University Ranking (WUR) in 2022 and, for 30 years, has been the number 1 ranked business school in the United States.

USU Rector Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, SSos, MSi, explained that the collaboration with Babson College, which focuses on entrepreneurship and business, will further enhance USU's international reputation.

"This collaboration is a strong capital for us to look at internationalization which is being intensively carried out in line with USU's transformation efforts into an entrepreneurial university," said Prof. Mury, who visited Babson College in Massachusetts on Friday (26/5/2023) local time.

Prof. Mury hopes that USU's visit to Babson College will also be a valuable experience to make USU an internationally reputable university.

"From Babson College, we can learn how university institutional governance, improving academic quality, entrepreneur-based atmosphere and achieving reputation and support for research and innovation, all of which will certainly make USU even better," he said.

During his visit to Babson College, USU was welcomed by the Dean of Babson Academy and Global Education, Amir Reza, accompanied by the Director of The Babson Collaborative, Jamie Kendrioski, and the Director of University Relations Babson Academy, Jean Ann Schulte.

Dean of Babson Academy and Global Education Amir Reza welcomed the collaboration with USU and hoped the partnership would improve the quality of education in each university.

"With the signing of the collaboration agreement, USU is officially the 36th collaboration partner of Babson College," said Amir Reza.

Activities at Babson College itself included discussions related to developing the entrepreneurial university ecosystem, campus tours, and signing the 'Babson Collaborative Agreement and Babson Pathways Agreement' between Babson College and the University of North Sumatra.

Prof Mury explained that USU has started developing an entrepreneurial university by combining learning, research, and innovation programs to increase the entrepreneurial spirit of lecturers and students and align innovation and industry.

"Discussions with Babson College regarding the development of an entrepreneurial university ecosystem will be our reference in developing an entrepreneurial university at USU, considering that Babson College is indeed a campus that focuses on developing entrepreneurship and business," said the rector.

USU Rector Prof. Muryanto Amin and his entourage to the United States began with a visit to Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), then continued by visiting Babson College. USU collaborates with these two internationally reputable campuses to implement campus internationalization launched by USU in the five years of leadership of Rector Prof. Muryanto Amin.

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