Ditmawalumni USU Socializes PKM Towards PIMNAS 2024

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Bambang Riyanto

Ditmawalumni USU Socializes PKM Towards PIMNAS 2024

"I am confident that this year we will achieve our tasks because we see the presence of the PKM Center and PKM Corners in all faculties. This provides an organized and more coordinated approach,” expressed Vice Rector I."

USU PR- Directorate of Student Achievements and Alumni Relations (Ditmawalumni USU) conducted a socialization event for students regarding the strategy towards the National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) 2024, scheduled to take place later this year at Airlangga University. The activity occurred at the Prof. Dr. Suhadji Hadibroto FEB USU Auditorium on Monday (01/08/2024).

The Student Creativity Week (PKM) is once again organized this year. It serves as a prestigious platform for students at the national level. Students are required to develop innovations and research that will benefit society. This socialization serves as a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas in preparation for the PKM competition.

Dr. Edy Ikhsan, S.H., M.A., Vice Rector I for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Alumni of USU, stated that in the last two years, USU has experienced significant improvements in various aspects, especially with the establishment of PKM Corners, which has assisted students.

“I am confident that this year we will achieve our tasks because we see the presence of the PKM Center and PKM Corners in all faculties. This provides an organized and more coordinated approach,” expressed Vice Rector I.

Vice Rector I added that this marks the beginning for USU in 2024 in preparing teams to participate in PKM. With the establishment of the PKM Center, it has become a hub for mentoring students to ensure their teams successfully qualify.

“This is the start of the year and our starting point to prepare teams for PIMNAS 2024, which will be held at Airlangga University at the end of this year,” he added.

Rahma Yurliani, S.Psi., M.Psi., the Secretary of the Directorate of Student Achievements and Alumni Relations (Ditmawalumni), urged participants in PKM to stay motivated and hoped that every faculty would participate by sending their students.

“My message is for the participants to stay enthusiastic about participating in this PKM event because it is indeed a prestigious activity by the Ministry. I hope that more faculties will be involved this year, not just one, but all faculties should send their participants,” she conveyed.

On this occasion, Ir. Erni Misran, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., the Chairperson of the USU PKM Center, stated that PKM Corners provides full support to students participating in PKM, and more teams are successfully passing the funding stage.

“With the support of PKM Corners, students have been organized in terms of administration. We hope they pass stage 1, at least better than last year, around 76%. So, we hope for even more this time, and of course, more successful funding as well,” expressed Ir. Erni.

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas

Interviewee: - - -

Photographer: Amri Simatupang - Humas


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