Directorate of Education Development

Directorate of Education Development

The Directorate of Education Development was established as an academic support unit responsible to the Rector through the Vice-Rector for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni Affairs. Its function is as a planner, implementer, and developer of programs in the field of education to meet the targets of Performance Determination, Strategic Plans, and Priority Programs. The Directorate of Education Development has performance targets, including improving the quality of education graduates, improving curriculum and learning, and revitalizing university structure and governance.

Organizational Structure

Directorate of Education Development

Directorate of Education Development Contact

Universitas Sumatera Utara

USU Bureau of Central Administration

Jalan Dr. T. Mansur No. 9, USU Padang Bulan Campus, Medan Baru, Medan City - 20155

phone number

(+62) - 618226737

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