Preserving Water Resources, Nurturing Life and Sanitation for Dignity, Health, and Progress

In Indonesia, the problem of access to clean water and adequate sanitation is still a major challenge. In the Indonesian context, there are still many areas that experience limited access to clean water and proper sanitation. In order to achieve Sustainable Development Goal number 6, namely "Clean Water and Adequate Sanitation". To support this sustainable development, USU created a program in the form of facilities for managing wastewater, preventing polluted water, and free drinking water for students which can be obtained at every faculty. This program aims to increase public awareness and understanding of the importance of clean water and proper sanitation. USU also collaborates with the government, NGOs and local communities to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to meet the needs of clean water and sanitation in Indonesia. Let's join hands towards a better future by solving clean water and sanitation problems in Indonesia.


Innovation with Sustainable Development Goals

Other Innovations
PCP Desktop Printer

Innovation in direct printing of electronic circuit lines on circuit boards using oil-based ink.

Information and Communication Technology

An innovative device designed to automatically produce organic fertilizer.

Information and Communication Technology

A software that provides an interactive anatomy learning experience.

Journal with Sustainable Development Goals

Other Journals
Filter material based on zeolite-activated charcoal from cocoa shells as ammonium adsorbent in greywater treatmentSusilawati, Sihombing Y.A., Rahayu S.U., Sembiring Y.Y.B., Waldiansyah L., Irma M.Category: South African Journal of Chemical Engineering
Performance optimization of CuO-ZnO ceramic electrode on the electrocoagulation of wastewaterHasanah M., Susilawati S., Ramadhan A.Category: Materials Science for Energy Technologies
Carboxymethyl Cellulose Nanoadsorbent for Remediation of Polluted WaterKhairiah K., Frida E., Sebayang K., Sinuhaji P., Humaidi S., Ridwanto, Fudholi A., Marwoto P.Category: Journal of Ecological Engineering
Assessment of pollution status of tropical coastal lakes using modified Water Quality Index (WQI) based on physio-chemical parametersMuhtadi A., Yulianda F., Boer M., Krisanti M., Riani E., Leidonald R., Hasani Q., Cordova M.R.Category: AACL Bioflux
Design and fabrication of shell and tube heat exchanger with one pass shell and two pass tube as a water heater with hot sulfur waterNapitupulu F.H., Sitorus T.B., Sihombing H.V., Siburian A.H., Siagian H.Category: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Ecological conditions and coral recovery in Jaboi waters, Weh Island Sabang Indonesia.Afkar, Barus T.A., John A.H., Sarong M.A.Category: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The Association Between Lipid Serum and Semen Parameters: a Systematic ReviewPakpahan C., Rezano A., Margiana R., Amanda B., Agustinus A., Darmadi D.Category: Reproductive Sciences
Trophic state index and spatio-temporal analysis of trophic parameters of Laut Tawar Lake, Aceh, IndonesiaAdhar S., Barus T.A., Nababan E.S.N., Wahyuningsih H.Category: AACL Bioflux
Variations of Organic Loading Rate on Tofu Wastewater Degradation using Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor by Modified Stover-Kincannon ModelBatubara F., Turmuzi M., Irvan I., Yanqoritha N.Category: International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics
The effectiveness of phytoremediation using water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) in liquid waste treatmentHartono R., Tambun R., Nasution H.Category: AIP Conference Proceedings
Distribution of Silver (Ag) and Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) in Aquatic EnvironmentMat Lazim Z., Salmiati S., Marpongahtun M., Arman N.Z., Mohd Haniffah M.R., Azman S., Yong E.L., Salim M.R.Category: Water (Switzerland)
Potential Risks of Open Waste Burning at the Household Level: A Case Study of Semarang, IndonesiaRamadan B.S., Tina Rosmalina R., Syafrudin, Munawir, Khair H., Rachman I., Matsumoto T.Category: Aerosol and Air Quality Research


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