International KKNB Plan of USU - BKS-PTN West Region

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Bambang Riyanto

International KKNB Plan of USU - BKS-PTN West Region

"We warmly welcome the representatives of the campuses and thank you for coming to discuss the initial BKS PTN West Region KKNB. First of all, I would like to say that this International KKNB is very important because we must be able to fulfill IKU 2 and collaborate with campuses outside Indonesia; that is probably very important," said Prof. Mury"

USU PR – Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) held a coordination meeting (Rakor) together with member universities of the BKS-PTN West Region, which discussed the 2024 International Joint Community Service (KKNB) activities. This activity took place at the Le Polonia Hotel & Convention on Wednesday (Mar. 6)

The International KKNB activity, which is organized together with the State Higher Education Cooperation Agency (BKS-PTN) West Region, is a routine agenda of the BKS-PTN West Region, which is led by the Rector of USU, Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si,. In his speech via Zoom virtual meeting, the Rector of USU welcomed the arrival of the campus representatives and expressed his gratitude for their participation in the initial discussion of the BKS-PTN West Region International KKNB activity. This international KKN activity is important because it can fulfill the 2nd main performance indicator (IKU-2) and allow collaboration with campuses outside Indonesia.

"We welcome the arrival of the campus representatives. Thank you for coming to discuss the initial BKS PTN West Region KKNB. First of all, I would like to say that this International KKNB is very important because we must be able to fulfill IKU 2 and collaborate with campuses outside Indonesia; that is probably very important," said Prof. Mury.

On the same occasion, Prof. Dr. Tulus Vor.Dipl.Math., M.Si., Ph.D., as the Head of the Institute for Community Service (LPPM) of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), expressed his gratitude to all members for their support for the International Community Service (KKN) program. He believes that the International KKN activity will significantly impact the community, especially the community where the KKN is located.

"So even though the readiness in terms of enthusiasm needs the support of the BKS PTN West members, of course, the International KKN activity will impact the community, especially where the KKN is located," said Prof. Tulus.

E. S. Halimi, the Executive Secretary of BKS-PTN West Region, explained the background of this international KKN as a response to the current demands where PTN-PTNs want international expansion so they can initiate international KKN. This program also attracts foreign students to participate in the region, especially with the unique attractions of North Sumatra, such as Lake Toba. This is why BKS decided to hold an international KKN for the first time.

"Then, the rectors wanted the level of this cooperation activity to be increased not only nationally but also internationally, and the International KKN with BKS PTN West is the first, and of course, it is hoped that in the coming years, it will continue and we also hope that in the future there will be other PTN members of BKS, who are ready to be hosts," said Halimi.

The target of international KKN students comes from neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. However, after holding a coordination meeting, it was revealed that students from African and European countries are also projected to attend the international KKN. Regarding the number of participants, USU stated that there was initially expected to be 20 people, but it is likely to increase due to the high interest.

The plan for implementing this international KKN will be carried out from August 5 to September 5, with field activities during that period. A month before, online registration and briefing lectures will be conducted, and groups will be formed to plan the activities to be carried out. So far, two districts have agreed to accept students, namely Samosir Regency and Karo Regency.

Author: Bambang Riyanto - Humas

Interviewee: - - -

Photographer: Amri Simatupang - Humas


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