FKG USU Hosts BKGN 2023

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Bambang Riyanto


"BKGN conveyed two messages. First, education must be linked to community service to produce systematic programs. Second, a role model that the community can quickly absorb is needed. However, we do not yet know who the BKGN role model is that can facilitate socialization in the community,” said Prof. Mury"

USU PR - The Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), in collaboration with Unilever, again organized the National Dental Health Month (BKGN) 2023. The event took place at FKG USU for three days, from Monday to Wednesday (12/18-20/2023).

BKGN 2023, the 14th held at FKG USU, carries the theme “Senyum Indonesia Gigi Kuat Mulut Sehat”(Indonesia's Smile, Strong Teeth, Healthy Mouth)and aims to increase awareness of the importance of dental and oral health amid rising sugar consumption in Indonesian society.

USU Rector Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos., M.Si., in his speech, highlighted two important things about BKGN: about community service with a systematic program and the need for a role model to facilitate socialization to the community about the importance of dental health. The Rector also suggested community service activities with new innovations.

“BKGN conveyed two messages. First, education must be linked to community service to produce systematic programs. Second, a role model that the community can quickly absorb is needed. However, we do not yet know who the BKGN role model is that can facilitate socialization in the community,” said Prof. Mury.

Every year, BKGN provides free dental care for many targeted patients, involving dentistry professors and students. At BKGN 2023 FKG USU, the service was carried out at the USU Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM).

Dean of FKG USU, Dr. Essie Octiara, drg., Sp.KGA. explained that dental health has a significant impact on overall health. Therefore, it is necessary to socialize about it through BKGN. Furthermore, Dr. Essie Octiara, drg., Sp.KGA. revealed several treatments performed at this BKGN, including fillings, tartar cleaning, pediatric care, and extractions.

“Dental and oral health is important because the mouth can cause systemic diseases. This is not well understood by the public and needs to be informed. We have fillings, tartar cleaning, pediatric care, and extractions,” explains Dr. drg., Essie Octiara, Sp.KGA.

Director of RSGM USU drg. Siti Salmiah Sp.KGA.Subsp.KKA(K) said dental examinations and treatments at BKGN this year provided services to children with special needs. She said RSGM USU had prepared 84 dental units to serve three-day examinations and treatments to the targeted participants of 750-1000 patients.

“This year’s demand also includes children with special needs. So, kindergartens and special schools were present for dental examinations and treatments. This year’s target participants are 750-1000 patients. We from RSGM have prepared 84 dental units that can be used,” said drg. Siti Salmiah Sp.KGA.Subsp.KKA(K).

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