Faculty of Forestry
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Faculty of Forestry

The Faculty of Forestry (FHut) of Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) was established in 2014 with a mission to produce the best alumni in the field of forestry. FHut USU offers 2 study programs, namely Bachelor of Forestry and Master of Forestry, both of which have good accreditation. Our faculty focuses on the study of forestry science that covers the function and utilization of forest ecosystems, including biodiversity, environmental conservation, forestry technology, logging law, and other aspects. Managed by experienced experts in the field of forestry and supported by adequate facilities and an integrated curriculum, we are determined to guide our students to become competent forestry experts who are able to play a role in preserving forests in Indonesia. Graduates of the Faculty of Forestry have broad career opportunities, including as researchers and working in national and international institutions such as the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), PROFAUNA, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and various other related institutions.

gambar fakultas Faculty of Forestry
gambar fakultas Faculty of Forestry
gambar fakultas Faculty of Forestry

Study Program

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visi misi Faculty of Forestry


To become an excellent university institution in the development of science and technology in the field of forestry that supports sustainable forest management and utilization and is able to compete globally.


misi pendidikan Faculty of Forestry


To organize a professional higher education based on research and community service to create human resources with high morality and expertise in science, technology and art in the field of forestry.

misi penelitian Faculty of Forestry


To develop and disseminate forestry science and technology which is able to identify and solve problems in the development and utilization of forest resources through a scientific approach.

misi pengabdian Faculty of Forestry

Community Service

To provide services to a society based on Science and Technology innovation and entrepreneurial character while upholding the national culture. To establish the Faculty of Forestry as a model for sustainable forest development and utilization at the regional, national and international levels.

Faculty of Forestry

Universitas Sumatera Utara

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